Chapter 1

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Beep beep

I have an hour until I have to go to school. I got out of bed. I went over to my closet and grabbed a flannel, black v-neck shirt, and acid wash skinny jeans. It was probably gonna be weird because I'm going to a new school in the middle of the year. I brushed my teeth, put of deodorant, and washed my face. I put on some eyeliner. I never really wore much makeup. I brushed my hair and just kept it natural. I put on some perfume and went downstairs. My mom was having a cup of coffee. I grabbed my doc martens and put them on. I still had fifteen minutes until I had to leave. I lived right near school so I could just walk there. I grabbed some fruit and orange juice and sat down. For the next fifteen minutes I ate my food and was on my phone. I noticed it was time to go. I grabbed my bag.

"Bye mom." I said 

"Bye honey. Have a good first day and make friends." She said

"Okay I will." I said


On the way there I listened to music to try to get my mind off of going to school. I told my mom that everything would be alright. Hopefully. I didn't want her to be worried about me. I started thinking about my dad. He left when I was around 5 years old and I haven't seen him since and I don't want to. He always came home drunk and hurt my mom. One day he just left never to be heard of again. I'm just glad that my mom didn't fall apart after that. She has always been a loving and caring person.


Once I reached the school I walked in with my schedule. I was a little late. I was supossed to go to room 505. The bell was just about to ring. Then the bell rang. I got to room 505. I waited a second before I opened the door. I opened the door and everyone was staring. 

"Hi, you must be Violet Ragone the new student. Right? She said

I nodded my head

"I'm Mrs.Lewiston and you can go sit in the back next to Harry. She said smiling

I walked back and took a seat. I took a glance at Harry. He had dark curly hair and he wore a sweater and black skinny jeans with rips in them. He didn't really look full of life. He was quiet.

I went to my other classes and then it was lunch. I just decided to sit alone but there was no empty tables. I saw table with only one person at it. Hopefully they wouldn't mind me sitting there. I walk over.

"Do you mind me sitting here? I asked

He shook his head no. It was Harry.

I took a seat and I wasn't really hungry. I promised my mom that I would try and make friends so I'm gonna try. 

" what's your next class?" I asked 

"Do mind not talking to me because your just some perfect girl with the perfect house and the perfect family and the perfect life thankyou. Harry said

That really hurt that's what he thought. He didn't know anything about me. 

"That's actually not true at all its not any of it but think what you wanna think." I said

"Then how is it? Harry said

"Okay I'll tell you my dad abused my mom for years, he left when I was 5, I was bullied all of elementary school until I had to leave that school and do homeschool school for six years! Do you think I'm fucking perfect now?!" I said with my voice raising with every word 

I looked around to see if anyone heard me. Luckily no one did. I know my story isn't horrible like a lot of other people's but it still isn't a perfect life. Harry just looked at me. The bell rang finally. I got up and started walking to my next class. I had to go to room 501.

"Hey Violet. Remeber me I'm in one of your classes." He said 

"Uh yeah. Damon right?" I said

"Yeah I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party I'm having tonight? He said

"Uh it's not really my thing." I said

"C'mon it will be fun. I can get to know you better." He said backing me up against the lockers, putting each hand on both sides of me. 

"I said no." I say as I go under his arm but he pulls me back.

"Let her go!" I hear someone say

I realized it was Harry. 

" And what are you gonna do if I don't?" Damon says

"I'll fucking kick your ass." Harry says 

After he said that I did something I already should have done. I kneed him in the balls. He fell to the ground, gripping his balls. 

"Next time, watch who you're dealing with." I say

"Nice." Harry says 

"Thanks." I say

We walk to class silently and we were definently gonna be late. We walk into class and everyone's staring at us.

"Why are you both late?" The teacher asks

"She's new and she got lost. So I showed her the way." Harry says

"Okay go take your seat, Harry. And what is your name? She asks

"Violet Ragone." I say 

"Hello Violet. I'm Mrs.Brown. You can sit anywhere." She says

"I take a seat. A few seats away from Harry. Mrs.Brown tells us what we have to do. Class goes by pretty fast and so does the rest of the day. I start to walk then I hear footsteps behind me. It was Harry. I wondered what he wanted. 

"Uh...Violet I'm sorry for what I said at lunch today." Harry said

"It's fine." I say


When I get home my mom is making dinner. 

"Did you have a good day? Did you make friends? Was anyone mean?"

"Yes kinda. Yes I guess. And no." I say

"Well that's good and who's the friend?" She says

"His name is Harry and I wouldn't exactly call him my friend like we talked a few times." I say

"That's good anyway. Atleast you know someone." She says

When dinner was done me and mom ate dinner. It was always just me and mom because we didn't live close to any family. When I was done eating I did my homework and took a shower. Tomorrow was the last day of school for the week since I started on a thursday. I realized that today I was 5 months clean. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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