Cutesy, Honey, Baby!~ (Hanakō Yamada X Kawaii Reader)

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( IM ALIVE!! ((・⊥・)) I was on Hiatus! Gomen Gomen, I'm so sorry if you hate cute stuff, I don't even know if I like it that much. I shall make another maybe non cute chapter I don't know. Also if you're a guy I will do a Rivals X Male etc read my note section also made it extra long)

Tiny, short, Angel, adorable. You've been called most of these things for most of your life. Of course you love being complimented by people. You loved how they loved everything about you! All you wanted to be was a cutie!

So of course you always wore cute things. You've always tried to get a certain someone to look at you. You  wanted Hanako. You absolutely adored him, everything about him was adorable! He was so innocent. (Unlike you guys...joking) You also always had a heart pin on your chest to compliment his heart hair piece.

Everyone said you two would make a cute couple. Except you knew he had eyes for someone else. That cocky girl, you also knew she had eyes for Senpai. How dare she not even take him into consideration! You hated knowing she might break his heart one day.

It was Monday, dress down day! (Basically you are allowed to dress out of uniform on a dress down day) It was today where you could where the clothes you want to! Cute! Cute! Cutie! You wore the most cutest things you had! You had to stick out since you knew Hanakō wouldn't see you otherwise. Now full of rage about the the Ayano girl you did everything necessary and walked to school.

When you arrived everyone's eyes were on you and complimenting you. You of course smiled and acted all cutesy. Talk about two faced. When you noticed Hanako you changed yourself completely. But that Ayano girl...she would NEVER see that he even existed. It hurt you to see him sad when she would just shoo him away to look at Senpai. HANAKO EVEN TRIED TO HELP HER AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN THANK HIM.

In the next period you were the center of attention. That cute look you had on made everyone think you were an angel. You slowly breathed in and out as you thought about how the afternoon would go. You brought Hanako lunch! Would he thank you and smile with that adorable smile? Would he ask you to sit next to him? Would he also fall in love with you??? The futures were endless! Now all you had to do was pretend to watch the lecture going on while doodling in your notes.

-Time Skip-

You sprinted out of that classroom so fast everything was a blur. You put your things away in the locker and grabbed the lunch you made for him. Now, now, where could he be? You looked everywhere, except stopped almost by all the girls asking where you got this and that. Except you ignored them and ran past only answering like 2 questions.  

Hanako wasn't in the courtyard, not in the roof, not at the track. Swimming pool. Entrance. Any of the clubs or classrooms. WHERE COULD HE BE?? Wait, come to think of it, that Ayano girl was watching Senpai again. So where could be? There was only one place left. The Sakura tree or the garden. You looked out the window and saw him at the little garden.

You rushed outside and almost tripped and dropped your lunch. At that moment you didn't care about anything. About being cute, all your friends, the school, your health, the lunch. Anything!  Hanako was there, in all his cuteness. You could see it. How much you loved him. You walked up to the gazing boy who sat down under the tree.

"Hello..can I sit here?" You looked at him trying not to freak out or blush. You failed both. "Hmm? Ah! Of course!" Hanako smiled that smile that could kill 7,000 teenage girls. You sat down very fast and he just kept smiling at you. "Hello! (Your Name)! It's nice to see you, you look very pretty!" You couldn't speak. All you did was nod and stare at him.

You practiced this, MOVE. "AHHH! YES THANK YOU! UH here Hanakoimadeyoulunchifyoudideatitsokilleatitmyself" You spoke very fast and shoved it in his face. "Aww! Thank you! It's my favorite! You are so sweet!" BHanako thanked you and also said your name. This is how you die happy.
Hanako bit into the good looking all adorable. Maybe changing yourself to look cute was worth it. He finally noticed you since you looked like his type.

Hanako and you just chatted away and the gap between you two closed. "You know! I really like your cute style (Your Name)! I saw you before and I also thought you were cute!" What. Hanako thought you were pretty...before you changed..? You didn't have to change? HE KNEW YOU EXISTED BESIDES THAT AYANO GIRL?

You did it all for him yet all you had to do was stay yourself. You clutched the heart pin. Maybe the next day would be different. Since you knew Hanako would accept you. You didn't have to be all cutesy.

-Time Skip to next Day-

You went normal. You looked nothing like your cutesy self. No one would recognize you.  Your (hair color) hair wouldn't be dyed with colors this time. All your jewelry and pins laid on the shelf. You wore your hair down. You put on the school uniform, just normal. No contacts. No decor, just plain. Except the heart pin stayed on your uniform tie.

At school, there was rumors. That you ignored. Everyone wondered what happened. But you went to go see Hanako. The first period was awkward. Everyone was studying, even you. You still adored Hanako but it wasn't as distracting as before. How strange.

-Lunch Time-

Hanako was in the same spot waiting since you said you bring him lunch. When you arrived he recognized the old you " (Your Name)?! You don't look like your- usual self" Hanako was so adorable trying not to hurt you. "Well you don't mind me this way." "I don't, I think your lovely the way you are!" Hanako was so adorable you glomped him into a hug. He hugged you back.  Although you would go back to your cutesy style since you were more comfortable that way.

Then after you two were enjoying lunch you finally had the courage to ask him. "Hanako..." "hm?" He was eating a sandwich and you had to hold in your squeals. "Do you like...Ayano?" He turned red. "Well...I uh.. I used to but I like someone else.." "who??" You were now curious but could breathe. Now Ayano was no longer a threat. Hanako turned his head but pointed. A finger at you. You just stared. What were you feeling right then?

You hugged him again and squeaked. It was pure joy. Hanako hugged you back. And that was how your relation ship started.

Male Rivals x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now