Soulmate..? (Megamo Saikou X Reader) Part One

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(Ok someone please kill me. I swear I'll try to update at least more and honestly thank you all for reading this! I feel awful that I left all of you in the dust for a long time. I never thought my book would even be read! So I'll be a faithful author and work hard! Although please be warned, some promises can't be kept sorry sorry!)

A string. The red string of fate. A soulmate. It's all so stupid. Or rather, you are jealous. Back in your early life you have been told all about the red string. You were connected to a boy sitting next to you in preschool. You two were very close. You had the special ability to see the red string of fate.

In middle school you really couldn't hide your feelings any longer. When you went to his classroom you smiled but then saw him turn around. He was holding scissors..? "Aki, what are you doing...?" You looked at him horrified. "(Your name) I'm sorry. This red string, it connects us but I don't love you. I have someone else who is connected to me who I love and forgive me. I'm sorry you've been holding onto this one sided love."

He cut the string. Those were special scissors made to cut ties with your soulmate. "Aki...?" Your eyed widened and you lifted up your pinky to find the cut string ends. "Goodbye (Your name)." He walked past you and gave you a pity filled look. Crying, you sat there. He left you alone. Your soulmate never loved you.

The ground felt cold. The air was dry. Your body shivered as the cool winds traveled through the open windows. It was the last day of middle school and Summer, but it only felt like Winter. "How could you...?" You sat in the corner in a ball.

Clutching your heart you could feel the ache and pain. "I'm all alone.." Your only soulmate was gone. The strings of the red string was shaggy and uneven. Seasons passed and you soon left junior high and went into a certain High school for special kids. You never forgot what Aki did but you couldn't help but still love him. Your family was very wealthy and did everything they could to find you a soulmate. But nothing worked, you were broken. But soon the scar patched up a little and you were back to your normal self. Although apparently you were much colder than before. But you did indeed, hide it.

-Time Skip-
"(YOUR NAME)! Where are you! It's your first day of Highschool wake up!" Your mother came bursting into your room. "Can't. I'm dead." You sighed a long sigh and giggled a little. "(Your name). I made your favorite breakfast." She put her hands on her hip. Shooting up you walked very close to her face. "Watch me beat my 13 minute record getting ready." Rushing past her you did all your morning stuff while she climbed back downstairs.

Once done, you made it down in 12 minutes. "New record!" Your dad called from upstairs as he soon then came downstairs fixing his shirt. You looked at their hands again. Red string connected. Shaking your head you happily munched down on your breakfast with a bittersweet feeling inside.

Obviously thinking the car would be too long you rushed outside with your uniform shoes half on and saying bye to your parents. "Ahaha beating my timeeeeee." Trampling people on the sidewalk you made it to the front gate only to arrive as the other students got there. "Hmm not what I was going for." You frowned as you looked at your watch. "I should head to the entrance ceremony."

After the big assembly you were half sleeping through you woke up when it was ending. "And that's all freshman, now you a free to explore campus today only. Good luck." The principal who was highly annoyed said. You then saw a laptop close..? Hmm you must have missed a PowerPoint or something. Walking out, yawning you heard some girls squealing. "Aghhh Megamo looks so cute!!" "I'll make him mine, watch it!" "I called dibs!!" A fight broke out or something.

Megamo? What a weird name? In person?? Feeling extremely curious you went to the library hoping to find some attendance records. After asking for directions you went down. Once entering you scrolled though the computer of student attendance. "Megamo Saikou. Away at the time, student council president? We have student council?"

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