Part 18

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When they stepped foot onto the camp grounds they were staying at the saw the camp trashed. They all started to look around and saw Brittany under some of her stuff and tents. "Looks like she saw coming out when it came down. Good thing we took everyone to the closest shifts stations." Jack said as he lifts everyone off while Jay pulled her out and laid her next to them. "Where is Ruth? Kate asked as she stands up from sitting next to Brittany and begins to look around.

Everyone copied Kate and yelled out Ruth name. "Guys come here," Ying yells from along the tree line. Everyone ran over to him and looked a the tree. The tree had a note, and the note read:

Dear heroes,

We have a friend of yours. We know you all weren't going to play fair so we had a few of our friends to take care of things. Meet us back at the old docks with one million dollars.

Wednesday throw the note to the ground and Jay picked it up and read it out loud to the others "Start packing up we need to get Brittany some help." Wednesday spoke with anger in her voice as she started to pack up everything she could. "Wednesday, Wednesday stop. Chill out." Jay said trying to get Wednesday to get Wednesday to calm her down even pulling her in for a hug before she broke something they needed.

With time Jay calmed Wednesday down and got her to talk. "Hey, guys we don't need bring Brittany to the hospital. I can ask my dad if he would do it," Kate comes over to the group after taking care of Brittany. "I have done what I can do." She continued. "Ok, is everyone ready?" Wednesday asked and everyone nodded. With that, they were on there way.

On the way to Kate's dad's house "Hey guys we are going to need our parent's help if my is dad home from all this I can ask him to come help us. Well, the team I mean." Jay says. "Hard to believe you were raised by a cop the way you acted not even a year ago," Wade laughs. "I mean I have no room to laugh but it funny. Anyways I can see if my dad can fill in for Brittany." He finishes after he is done laughing. "I think it's a good idea as long as they don't get in harm's way," Wednesday said as she looked out the window.

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