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February 20, 2014

11:12 PM

Harry yawned softly as he awoke.

Visiting hours were knocked up to 2 in the morning so the doctors let Harry take a rest with Louis.

It was 11:12 PM as Louis' heartbeat was still going up and down at a calm rate, Louis' fist loosening as he felt Harry's hand graze against his cheek.



What the hell's happening?

Harry glanced at the heartbeat monitor worriedly and gave a small prayer before he even saw the straight line touching the bottom.

"Holy shit, Louis? Louis, Louis- Oh my God--" Harry panicked silently as tears built up in his eyes, not knowing how Louis' heart dropped, he didn't know what to do, give him CPR?

No he still has oxygen, his heart isn't beating though, what's happening.

Harry's head snapped around frantically, thinking of what to do to save Louis.

His Louis.

Press the fucking help button, you idiot!

Harry mentally shouted at himself angrily, eyes suddenly scanning around the room, hands warily pressing against a red, circular button.

Harry's fingers tangled in his hair, tugging in distress as he came close to Louis' face, hoping that shouting would help get the boy scared and breathing again.

"Louis! Louis! Wake up, please! I brought- I brought some alco--"

Harry couldn't do it, the tears came spilling down and his voice was locked up in his throat as the beeping went longer, Louis' half-fist finally loosening into a pale, open palm.

What the fuck happened?

How did this happen?

How did Louis die?


Lack of water?

No warmth?

Harry's eyes widened as he noticed the other's open hand.

Grabbing Louis' shoulders, Harry forcefully pressed his lips to his ex's with tears still flowing down his flushed cheeks, broken sobs being choked out during the lifeless kiss.

Harry didn't believe that this was happening, he believed that Louis was still alive and just fucking around with him.

But this wasn't a joke.

This was real.

"Louis! Wake up, please, please. Wake up, goddammit!" Harry shouted brokenly, shaking the boy by the shoulders lightly with a distressed frown.

"Stay with me you fucking wanker! Don't fucking die on me!" Harry screamed, grasping Louis' hand in his tightly, the tips of their noses touching.

The doctors and nurses weren't in the room yet, but they were running down the hall as fast as they could, hearing Harry's cries and shouts.

5 mins till it's too late..

"Louis.." Harry whispered brokenly as the doctors and nurses took him away from Louis' lifeless figure, his arms and hands trying to reach out for Louis as they got the machine that tries to revive the heart, y'know?

"Louis! You're not fucking dead! Stop acting like you are and wake the fuck up!" Harry shouted fiercely as he shrugged the nurses off of him, frustrated and angry tears downing his cheeks.

"Please, Louis. Wake up." he sobbed silently, the tears spilling, no sounds being heard anymore.

It was all a big blur and everything was fuzzy.

2 mins till it's too late..

"You're not fucking dead!" Harry roared in disbelief as they kept trying to revive the boy, but Harry knew, down and deep inside him, he knew Louis wasn't going to make it.

He's dead.

"Louis! I know you're not dead!" Harry was being frantic by now and his words were stumbled as his heels dug into the tiled floor, creating screeching and scratching noises when four nurses tugged the tall boy out of the room.

1 more min till it's too late..

"God fucking dammit!" Harry growled and kicked the door of Louis' room angrily, jaw tense, tears still falling.

"He's not dead, he's not dead, he's not dead, he's not dead." Harry kept chanting to himself, hoping that he's right and hoping that he's starting to believe himself.

But he is dead.

25 seconds till it's too late..

Harry kept sobbing as his back pressed against the door, the tears burning his skin. His head tilted back and his mouth was open; trying to get oxygen through his mouth.

Too late.

"We were so close, man! Hoof-" the doctors murmured quietly to each other, walking out of the room with Harry tumbling forward.

"What? What happened? Is he okay?" Harry questioned frantically, eyes wide.

One of the doctors sighed and turned to face the boy, a solemn look on his face.

"Let's just say he's.."


wake up // stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now