Chapter Thirteen

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Lance and Shiro had long since left the restaurant, leaving the requested amount of money lying on the table, slipping out of the unnoticed, due to Lance's embarrassment for crying in a public place.

Shiro and Lance were now back in Shiro's car, the black muscle car revving deeply as they sped along the freeway once again. The two of them drove along in silence, this time, without music, or speech. It seemed that Lance had exhausted himself, and was barely awake in the passenger seat. It was about 8:25 pm now, and the sun had set for the most part, leaving the coastline a brilliant display of oranges and purples.

Shiro snuck a glance at Lance, smiling with endearment as he saw Lance's eyelids closed. The younger teens mouth hung open slightly, his soft breathing the only audible sound in the vehicle. Shiro returned his eyes to the road, paranoid of not paying attention to the deadly line of black stone. Ever since the car crash, the football player had been anxious whenever he got in the car, and now wasn't an exception. Especially with dearly precious cargo on board. Shiro was determined to avoid losing another person that he cared about.

Shortly after, the two teens arrived at Shiro's home. The older of the two parking in the driveway of his house, stepping outside of his car and walking over to the passenger side. He opened the door silently, unbuckling Lance's seatbelt and picking the smaller teen up bridal style. Lance nuzzled into Shiro's chest, his broken arm cradled close to his own body. Shiro chuckled, placing a soft kiss on Lance's forehead, as he unlocked the front door.

The tall male stepped inside his house, closing the wooden door behind him. Silently Shiro carried Lance upstairs to the guest bedroom where Lance had been staying. The previously mentioned teenager, had just begun to wake up, his eyelids flickering open with a yawn.

"Oh...sorry, did I wake you up?" Shiro asked, admiring the way Lance just curled back up, not even really noticing he was floating mid air.

" are we going?" Lance mumbled, his voice still a bit groggy, like a preschooler who had just woken up after a long nap.

"To your room, so you can sleep,'re cute." Shiro spoke honestly, smiling at Lance gently.

"....I am noooot....I don't wanna sleep in my room..." Lance whined.

"Why not?"

"Your bed is way more comfy."

Shiro's eyes widened the slightest, and he smirked. "Alright you big baby."

"Mmm..." Lance groaned at the taunting words, keeping his eyes closed.

Shiro turned around walking the other direction to where his bedroom was, walking through the open doorway. The older male set Lance down on his bed, walking over to a chest of drawers, opening it up and pulling out two tee shirts, one of which was white and another which was blue, since Lance seemed to like the color. And then, a pair of black sweatpants.

Lance looked up at Shiro with half lidded eyes, yawning once again. Shiro chuckled at Lance for the millionth time that night, walking over to the side of his bed. "Time to get changed, you cant sleep in your clothes, it would be uncomfortable."

"Ugh...fineee." Lance sat up, looking very much like a zombie. The teen stood up groggily, pulling his leggings off, and slipping them off of his ankles.

"Put your hands up." Shiro held out a finger gun at Lance.

"Fine fine, don't shoot." Lance giggled, putting his hands up, the sling holding his arm in place slipping off. It didn't seem that he would need it anyway, since he already had a cast holding his arm together, making sure it didn't move around. Shiro grinned at his boyfriend, stepping closer to him slowly. The taller male came close to Lance, pulling the teen into his chest, his hands resting on the small of the tan males back.

Lance shuddered underneath his boyfriends touch, feeling his hands slide underneath his shirt. The smaller teen stood on tippy toes, his experience in ballet helping him along, as he wrapped his arms around Shiro's neck loosely. Lance pressed himself against Shiro's chest, kissing the said male on the lips, the kiss resembling something along the lines of a butterfly landing on your lips.

Shiro smirked at Lance, the look holding more of a happy feel to it than a mischievous one. He slid his hands further up Lance's back, bringing the teens shirt along with them. Lance released his arms from Shiro's neck, lowering back onto his heels, as his shirt was pulled off of him. Lance let out a stifled yawn as Shiro placed the blue tee shirt over his head, helping Lance slip his arms through the holes.

Lance sat down back on Shiro's bed, laying back with his arms behind his head as a pillow. Shiro smiled at Lance lovingly, changing into his tee shirt and basketball shorts, before making his way over to his bed.

"Hey, cutie."


"You gonna get into bed?"

"I am..."

Shiro sighed with amusement, snatching Lance up in his arms again. The teen pulled back the sheets on his bed, setting Lance down again before getting into bed himself. He pulled the sheets up over the two of them, chuckling as Lance scooched over to his side, wrapping his arms around Shiro's bicep, his legs wrapping around Shiro's calf. Shiro sighed again, turning to face Lance, wrapping Lance up in a gentle embrace, his hand resting on the teens lower hip.

"Night cutie."

AN: Sorry for the short update, but you have to admit that it's good for two in a day. I hope you guys like it, also I'll be posting a request page for the story's plot line. So if you have any ideas, then please feel free to comment on that page. I'll have a vote for them on another page, once I get some feedback. Luv ya guys! Stay cool.

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