Epilogue: Kyuubi Attack

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This is an alternative version that I came up with to go along happily with the story. Only Minato dies, and Kushina is still alive. Yes, I know it makes little sense, but bare with me. This is just so he can see Hayate again before Kushina coming in. Also in this first section of the chapter, it's just a recap of what happened in the show.

Now you may continue.

Seven Years Later

Minato's POV

Ever since Hayate died, I've been depressed. I even thought about killing myself just to see her again. But, she was there to save me. Kushina Uzumaki. The doctors unfroze her a month after the incident happened. Now that it's seven years later, I'm having my child, Naruto. But a masked man attempted to take him. Right now, I have to make the choice whether to save my village by putting the Kyuubi in my son or to save my son but destroy the village. I have to save the village. Everyone would die if I didn't place it in Naruto.

"Kushina," I spoke. She looked to me, our son in my arms. She shook her head, her eyes wide open.

"No, Minato," she muttered, coming closer.

"I have to save the village. I have to seal this thing in our son. There's no other way."

With a sigh, she finally agreed. Using a jutsu, a pedestal appeared. The nine tails was already captured thanks to Kushina. It was saying many horrible things like 'you wouldn't do that to your son, Fourth.' I kept shaking my head at it while I got Naruto prepared.

Doing several hand signs, Kushina realized what I was doing. But it was already too late. The demon appeared behind me, already starting to take out my soul.

"Minato, you don't have to do this," she cried, but I shook my head.

"You know how much I love you, Kushina. I have to save everyone, even if it means sealing this damn thing in our son."

I placed a hand on Naruto's belly, finally forcing the Kyuubi's chakra into him. It hurt me to see him cry, but I have to do this. Once all of it was dispersed into him, I turned to Kushina who was already crying. I gave her a sad smile.

"I'll see you soon. But before I go," I looked to Naruto. "I just want to say a couple things to him."

I moved my body to where I was fully facing him. I put a hand on his forehead, leaned down, and gently placed a kiss to his cheek.

"Naruto, I love you. We'll meet someday, but for now, this is goodbye. Please do whatever your mother says without any back talk. If you don't, then expect some things coming from the red-hot blooded Habanero." I chuckled a little. "I wish it didn't have to go like this," I was now starting to cry. "I love you will all my heart. I hope you'll get the chance to see me. Goodbye, my son."

And with those last words and a smile at Kushina, the demon split my soul from my body.

I could see the blinding, white light. I shielded my eyes, but also kept them slightly open to see what was in store for me. I could see a figure in the distance. Who was that? My body finally reached flat land.

"Hello?" I called out. The figure didn't move. Maybe this person didn't hear me. I started walking towards him until I could start making out a couple features. Long hair, slender figure, probably a woman. Who was this?

"Hi, Minato," she called out to me. That voice sounds familiar, but I can't seem to remember its owner. My eyes widened when I could fully see her. I couldn't help myself; I ran into her arms, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Woah."

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