Part One

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Hi Anime_lovr here. I just wanted to say thank you for choosing my story! This is my first fanfic so, don't judge to hard. And leave comments if you want.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its content.

"Okay everyone, we have a new
student with us today."Iruka said with a wide smile in his face." Now, since it is her first day, please be kind and considerate to her."
You were 7 years old and it was your first day of academy. As you looked around the classroom, you saw two people that stood out to you. One with blonde hair and bright blue eyes that looked cheerful with a hint of loneliness. The other with the exact opposite features, black hair and black eyes that looked like coal. Although it was your first time seeing either of them, you knew that they both had been through some rough times.
Time skip to 5 years later
"Now because of Naruto, the whole class will relearn the transformation  jutsu." The whole class groaned in annoyance, except two people,(y/n) and Sasuke.

You dozed off but still listened for your name."Sasuke Uchiha..." Iruka said. 'That means I'm up next. Guess I should wake up now' "Y/n L/n...". You lazily made it up to the front of the class with a pair of eyes following your every movement.
Of course you passed and got a headband. You put it around your neck and walked outside with all the other graduates. Only to walk past all of them straight to Naruto. While you two weren't very close, you two leaned on each other during hard times. And now was one.
"Hey Naruto..." you said trying to start up a conversation. "Hi y/n-chan..." he said gloomily. "How about we go to get some romen?" "No. Thanks for the offer though." "O-okay...well, see you later. Bye...". And with that you left to your house.
You never called it your 'home' because it was a once happy place filled with joy, until that day.
"D-d-dad-dy..." you said as you are crying. "W-wh-why di-did yo-you do thi-is?" You asked." Because I don't want to feel any if your hate and want of revenge towards me. Just remember the good times." And with that, he killed himself. You were absolutely shocked. Your mom, your dad, your clan, was gone. You knew from then on, you would never be the same. You would always be cold...
End of Flashback
You didn't notice it but you were crying just thinking about it.
"Um hey, are you okay? You seem to be crying?" You turned around to see Sasuke. "Why do you care?" You said with no intent of continuing the conversation. "N-no reason really." He said.
Sasuke P.o.v.(A/n: New point of view! He maybe out of character though.)
"Why do you care?" She said coldly. 'Because I care about you and want you to be happy.' I thought. "N-no reason really." After I said that, she continued walking to her house. 'I wish I could tell her how I feel.' And with that in mind, I walked home.
A/n- Hey guys:) I have no idea what I'm doing with this but at the same time I do? Ugh, it's confusing. I guess what I'm trying to say is I like it but I want to know what you guys think if it. Also, I will try to update once or twice a week because I do proof readings. Only the best I can give.-

His Delicate Rose(Sasuke Love Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now