#9. Cute confusion.

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Chapter 9 || Cute confusion.


Holy shit!!!


It can't happen. Who is he? Shit. That too in a dragon castle. No, I am stupid to think like this. He can't be what I think he is saying. It is just my mistake I heard.

But this stupid mark is tingling and glowing. What does it mean ?

In a second he is behind me. I can feel his breathe. It gives me tingling sensation as his hot breathe lingers on my ears.

I quickly hide my moon mark inside my gown. Why it is glowing like a real moon is beyond my belief.

"Stop, mate." He purred. Whoever he is.

I am still standing here like a statue who doesn't know what to do?

All my plans are going to be flipped now. Why god?


I tried to turn around to see him. Tried , note the word because I was not successful. I really don't like this .

His hands gripped my waist and I am pulled back. I collide with a wall of hard chest.

Electricity coursed through my veins as I felt his first touch.

He inhales sharply and I could even hear some putting. Like a cat who got his canary.

I am still standing and not reacting to any of this because truly I don't know what to do?

My body and my brain both are giving me different signals. So, I listen to my brain because it will give me sane results.

I quickly sniff him . But my eyes are large as a saucer right now because he is a dragon and his scent clearly emphasis on that he is a strong one. High in rank.

I am fucked.

His hands on My waist and chin on my neck is making me trembling mess. It is like he is some kind of live wire and I am getting sparks or full zone electrocution.

I close my eyes to feel these sensation which is creating havoc in me or more importantly in my core.

What are some wrong with me?

He slowly, very slowly turns me around. My eyes are down so I don't know what are his expression to see my all covered weird look like a zombie.

Only my eyes are out or visible to others. Maybe he will leave me . He might hate disgusting girls and my avatara might help me to get rid of him.

Althoughy my mind was positive with the thought but my heart felt sorry even if I mentioned him leaving him.

Great, now I am in a dilemma because of this stupid dragon.

I see him through my eyelashes as I don't want to completely have an eye contact with him but my luck is as usual a flattened balloon. My small height can just see uoro his luscious lips.

Luscious, are you out of your mind Naila?

Keep your thoughts check.

But then he pulls my chin up and I am lost to see his beautiful face.

My speech is lost. No words in my vocabulary can describe his perfectness. He is just more , everything.

But the thing that got me on my knees were his beauty eyes. The darkest eyes, the shade is a coal but STILL filled with so much warmth and love .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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