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The stars faded in the night sky. Shades of orange were slowly replacing the pitch-black night, as a glowing orb slowly rised from the East of the Earth.
There, she stood still, looking towards the shining orb. She smiled, and the Sun shone brightly at her in return. But, as the brightness of the sun rise faintly died, her smile faded.
For a moment, her eyes shimmered with tears. For a moment, a tear fell. For a moment, she felt sad.
There, she stood still...
"You summoned us, my Lady?" A tiny voice asked.
"Yes," replied a gentle voice. "An important mission awaits all of you on Earth."
"Earth?!" Echoed four voices together.
"Yes, Earth." Confirming the little fairies' thoughts. "You are selected. Don't worry, this is not a punishment. You are not sent down due to wrong doings, as you did none. You were sent down for a reason, a top secret mission. I was called from the Phealons a while ago, and the Phealons had insisted the four of you. For what reason, I'm not sure, and so were they.
"After all, life has always been a mystery."
"What was all that about?" Questioned the young one, shocked and worried. "I mean, us, to Earth?"
"Glaze has got a point. If we did nothing wrong, why should we be sent there? Most Lunarixes who were sent there can barely remember themselves after their birth to human beings.!"
"Adeline! Human beings are nice and friendly! And by the way, we were not sent there due to our mistakes. Didn't you hear Lady Fate? We were sent as we were selected for, I have no idea what. A top secret mission she called it." The violet Lunarix argued back.
"Fine, Vivienne. I never said human beings were bad... Okay okay I feel that way okay?" Adeline admitted her thoughts as Vivienne lifted up an eyebrow, questioning her response. "But, just like Glaze had said: why us? I mean, out of all the powerful Gods and Angels and creatures in the sky, Lunarixes?"
The three looked at each other with blank expression, confused and scared of the reason, despite wanting to know it desperately.
"I think," the fourth one finally spoke, "the answers to all our queries are right there." Everyone followed the Lunarix's gaze, and found themselves looking upon Earth. "We just have to find out."
Glaze sighed. "Elwyn's right. Just staying here won't do us any good. If we want our answers, we will try to get answers. Explore the world."
The group of friends hugged one another tightly. Tiny drops of tears dropped from their big bubbly eyes, as they wished their farewell wishes. Then, they separated. Their wings grew big, and curled the Lunarixes into a ball. Slowly, they raised. The speed of rising quickly increases, and as all four reached the highest cloud in the sky, they glowed, before shooting off from the cloud.
Speed of a shooting star, they landed on Earth.


So... How was it?

Being the indecisive me has made me decide to change the story completely😓 I hope you guys won't mind!!😣😣

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Thanks so much for reading this book guys! Stay tuned for more:)

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