Chapter 9

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Elwyn groaned as students started gathering around her desk again during break time. She knew that new students would all gain the greatest attention on their first week, but through all the schools that she had been to, this class was the most enthusiastic one she had ever seen.

The whole class gathered around Elwyn and engulfing her with questions again. Elwyn dismissed all questions as quickly as she could by announcing that she had to hand in some administrative forms to the principal. Almost immediately, the topic changed.

"Ooh, you've met the principal?"

"What's your previous school?"

"You should stop asking that."

"What was your first impression?"

"She's nice, right?"

"Do you want me to take you there?"

"Maybe we all should stop throwing Elwyn so many questions! She can't answer all of them at once. Give her some time to think about who she should go with. Okay?"

Eyeballs rolled up as the class recognised who had just spoken up for Elwyn. Some of them ignored her, while the rest threw a dirty look at Glaze and told her to shut up.

"You guys really shouldn't be pressurising her, especially since it is her first day today. Glaze is right, let her choose who she wants to go with. All of us can get to know her better in the next few months we have with her, maybe even the next year if you're in the same class. All she needs now is some privacy and time to adapt."

Seeing that the class prefect had spoken, the class murmured in agreement as they slowly quieten down.

Elwyn looked around the class, trying to find someone who seemed not too enthusiastic and excited to know her so much, but to no avail. That was when she remembered her desk mate.

"Um.. it's Glaze, right? Do you mind if you came with me? Since you're my new desk mate and all. I, uh, kinda want to know you more?"

The class gasped and casted Elwyn with looks that caused her to whimper with shock. Murmurs rose, yet again, only this time in disagreement. But they quickly quietened down once again.

"It's okay. You go with someone else." Glaze gave Elwyn a weak smile. She got up and exited the classroom. And although she had tried her best to conceal it, Elwyn saw her wipe her cheeks.

Elwyn watched Glaze walk away from the classroom. She could not help but feel sorry for her.

"What did she do to deserve all this?"

"She thinks she is the queen if the class." A voice answered her.

"Did I say that out loud?"

"Ye." The class replied in unison.

"Okay then. Tell me why all of you seem to hate her so much."

"She started off fine with the class this year. But as we start to know her, she started getting really bossy. It feels like she thinks she's better than all of us here."


"Since the Inter-Class-Games."

Elwyn nodded.

"All classes would need to participate in the Games. It includes Netball, Basketball, Frisbee, Soccer and Class Cheer. She was voted to be the leader of the Class Cheer." A girl continued.

"She chlorographed the whole cheer dance for us and made up the cheer lyrics..." Her face slightly reddened.

"She called us idiots for not learning the cheer properly."

"But she did that for a reason, didn't she?" Elwyn asked.

"She called you names, not because she thinks that she is better than any of you. She called all of you something ungraceful, not because she thinks that she is the queen. She called you that because she was angry, mad at all of you for not learning what she had created for everyone here.

"Glaze called you idiots, because all of you wasted her hard work. What would you do if something you've worked so hard on is not appreciated by anyone? Wouldn't you feel yourself boiling up inside as well?"

Tick tock
Tick tock
Students hear the clock tick, hear the clock tock. They felt the stillness of air, heard the whistles of wind, and saw the expressions on everyone's faces.

The words that came out of Elwyn's mouth continuously repeated itself over in their heads, ringing like a loop.

Silence filled the classroom as guilt found its way into the students' hearts.

Sorry this chapter took so long!! My End-of-Year examinations are coming soon so I was busy studying... But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Sorry again if I don't update too often now😫

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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