"Stay With Me"

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~Pearl's POV~

"Oh, what a beautiful day in beach city", I was sitting on the bench and daydreaming. It was a little rainy and I quickly ran inside the house.
And Amethyst was sitting on the couch and eating some chips while watching TV. "Hey P, what are you up to?", she smirked at me while eating chips. "Well, tired of something I didn't know that will ruin your moment." I said with a small laugh. "Well, you should hang out with me now with some awesome movies." She smiled at me. "I guess so." I replied while walking towards the couch sitting beside Amethyst.

Amethyst began to change the channels and said, "Oh, I think this one is better." And we're watching Camp Pinning Hearts. "Ummmm, I think this show looks familiar to me, Steven and Peridot showed me that." I said nervously... And I blushed, and I wiped my sweat with my hand while taking a deep breath... "Ummm, are you ok P? Should I change the channel?" She asked me with a concerned face. "No no no, It's ok. I kinda like it." I blushed a little.

The show was pretty amazing and romantic, the way Percy and Pierre went to an adventure together...
I was about to hold Amethyst's hand, and then Garnet ran towards the temple and slammed the door, "GEMS! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! THERE'S A GIANT CORRUPTED GEM HEADING TO OUR TEMPLE, WE HAVE TO STOP IT!" she yelled. "What about Steven?" Amethyst asked while turning off the TV. "THIS ISN'T THE TIME TO CALL STEVEN, WE HAVE TO STOP IT BY OURSELVES!" She yelled with a worried face. Well, Steven is at Connie's house. "Cmon P, let's go!" Amethyst said with a serious face while rushing outside.

I was so disappointed, that was the perfect time for confession and Garnet ruin it. Ehh, but it's an emergency though.

~Outside the temple~

"It's all of the corrupted gems fused together!" Amethyst said while pulling her whip out from her gem. "We have to form Alexandrite, it's too powerful!" Garnet yelled. But it was too late the beast poofed Garnet. "GARNET!" We shouted...

We tried to fight the beast over and over but Garnet was still regenerating and she's still not done. "Any last word P??" Amethyst cried while holding my hand, tears were falling. "I'm afraid this is the end, I didn't even tell you how I feel about you and know we're gonna die!" I cried while my tears were falling and falling. "You whaa??" Amethyst looked at me in the eyes. And I hugged her, "I love you, please Stay With Me." our tears were falling while hugging each other... "I love you too." Amethyst kissed my forehead and our gem glowed and fused into Opal.

And we beat the monster together, and we bubbled the gems... And Garnet was back...
"So, did you beat the monster together?" Garnet smiled... And we unfused immediately, "yeah" we both reply to Garnet with a blush... "You two are perfect for each other just to know you that." Garnet said with a smile walking back to the temple....

"So, you do really love me?" Amethyst began to tease me... "Of course I do, I've been keeping this secret for years." I said with a small laugh.
And Amethyst kissed me again but it was in the cheek, I started to blush and I hugged her again... And we both going inside to our own room...


Pearlmethyst ~ "Love is in the air"Where stories live. Discover now