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Stiles was coming over at Scott's place to explain everything, though he really had no idea what to say.


''Soo, explain yourself.'' Scott said.

''Why'd you do it?''

''I have no good reason really. I'm just tired of being treated like dirt. I work hard to help you guys and I get nothing back. do you understand how defenseless I feel when Derek gets mad at me? it isn't fun anymore.'' I said.

Scott just kinda looked at me for a while, he didn't look mad or something. just, surprised.

''How did you become a werewolf?..'' he mumbled.

''Magic.'' I answered knowing he wouldn't believe me, since it sounded crazy.

''You had green eyes, why?''

'' Becoming a werewolf with magic has it differences, green eyes, full control and I'm more powerful and stronger than the strongest alpha. my 'kind' is the strongest one you'll find.''

''So if we'd go for a round, would you win?'' He asked me, and I could see a smile form on his face.

''Probably'' I laughed.

''Dude, I don't care if you're human or not. You're my best friend and nothing's going to change that.''

''Thanks man'' I said and smiled.

''Now, wanna go for a round?'' he laughed at me.

''You. me. backyard. now.'' I said then laughed.


To be honest telling Scott went much better than stiles had expected. he thought he would be mad but he took it fairly well.


Hii, sorry for inactivity and short chapters xc

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