chapter 2- night

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after Sebastian had said good night the storm pick up again , leaving you shaking by ciel. BOOM! you jumped , ciel got closer to you pulled you into him, you loved it .you could feel his breath on your neck,it sent a shiver down your spine.but it calmed you down, and before you knew it you were a sleep.


you were dancing to soft music you had on a long silk (f/c) dress. you looked up to see your lost love he smiled and placed a hand on your check, you let a tear fall .

end dream

you woke up, and looked out the window you felt your cheek. and it was wet,you noticed it was still dark,around one in the morning.ciel turned over he was awake , "good morning " he said still trying to open his eyes."g-goood morning" you said and before you could stop yourself , lended  over and kissed his cheek. you sat up in shock,BOOM! really again ! you though ,as you leaped onto ciel.  ciel sat up too and laying agenst the headboard of the bed."sssshhhh" "its OK I have you"ciel whispered in your ear as he pulled you sat next to him faceing the door still on the bed." ciel" you spoke up."who is lizzy"? he's face went blank," how do you know about lizzy" he turned away trying to hide tears . "you spoke of her in your sleep" did she die"?

"yes" I loved her"  he turned back. but I love you too. he smiled and pulled you in close. you pulled back enough to look into his eyes , " I think I love you too" in that moment your lips touched.


hey its my first book on wattpad so don't hate. :3 Sebastian with brake you and ciel up a lot . but I don't know if thr book will be dirty yet let me know what you think.

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