chapter 9-kidnapped

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well I know I got a bit carried away but dirty is dirty, but only will I go so far in the begging, so enjoy this next part, and yes you almost die.


my unexpected weight was to much for Alios and we fell to the ground. "s-sorry" I was laughing to hard to breath.I got off of him and hugged him hard.

Ciel walked in front of me, "she is mine" he was glaring.

Alios stepped up "if you hurt her ever again I will take her from you, forever, got it ?" Alios stepped back.

Ciel and Alios was glaring at each other. I stepped up."Ciel didn't mean to hurt me I got it wrong, and he's a good guy" I walk between them and hugged Alios on my tip toes to rest my head on his shoulders.

"Ciel you can go, me and Alios are going to go shop, Alios would never let anyone hurt me just send Sebastian for me after your done, ok?" I let go of Alios and gave Ciel a kiss on his warm lips.

"OK" Ciel looked worried and a little upset, "where is clade?" he asked.

"home, its just me and Hannah today" Alios licked his lips. why I have no clue.

Ciel walked back to Sebastian  "I'll only take half an hour". he turned and started to walk away.

after me and Alios talked and shoped for an hour, Sebastian popped up and picked me up.I gave Alios a hugge he said something in my ear. that made my blood run cold.

"I am scared Claude will be done with me soon and come for you , make a deal with Sebastian quickly"

we both acked like he said nothing, but i could feel fear growing in me , back at the manor i was happy to see all the sevents , i have grown to love. i had bought gifts for them.after dinner Ciel and I talk a little.

Ciel started to kiss my neck, sitting on the bed. I was sitting in front of him . I turned around, so  I could pulled him on top of me kissing him firmly soon we were down to no clothes. was this the night I let him take me we were not married but I felt like I was.ciel's hand moved up and down my body. my hands where pulling him down from his back.

we both broke off for air, and soon fell asleep.

when I woke up it was dark I was laying down and could not get up. my hands where behind my back and tried up so were my feet.I think I had on a blind fold.

I called out for Ceil but I couldn't hear anyone. a weird smell entered the room and I blacked out.when I woke up the next time my blind fold had slid off my vision was blurry.

golden eyes where over me "AW your awake". the voice sounded cold.the blind fold was ripped from my face, the room was dim with no windows only candle light filled the small room.

"do you know why I killed your mother"? the voice asked sitting on top of me in a straddling position.

I was still a little drugged up,"n-no" my tied hands where in front of me now. but my feet where still teid up.I tryed to focus, my head was fuzzy I guess from drugs .

the black figure stared to smell my neck," I killed her because she didn't want to love me".

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