~Art by partyba on Tumblr!~
~~This chapter is short, I only made it to advance their relationship just abit~~
It was a typical day in household, Matt had some fluffy plans for Tom today. He sat on the couch, his face lit up as Tom entered the living room.
"Well." Matt said, turning to Tom. "Now that we're a thing..." He thought for a moment. "Wanna... Cuddle?" He asked, a large smile crossing his face.
Tom groaned. "Matt, you know that I don't like that type of stuff." He rasied a brow at the ginger (Matt: I AM A STRAWBERRY-BLONDE), grinning just a tad bit.
"Oh come on," Matt begged, "It'll be fun."
Tom just sighed. "Fiiine." He gave in, sitting on the couch next to the taller male. "It's going to be hard getting used to all of this affection, you know." Tom mumbled, Matt's arms wrapping around Tom's waist.
Matt ignored what Tom had said and just mumbled. "I love you..."
Tom sighed. "I... I love you too."Matt gasped, gripping Tom tighter. "You do?!"
"Duh. Why do you think we're a couple if I didn't love you?" Tom asked, wheezing slightly at the tighter hug.Matt yelped hapilly and rested his head on Tom's. "Hey Tom," Matt asked.
Tom answered with a simple "Yeah?"
"Do you wanna maybe... go on a date?!" Matt smiled, nom-ing on Tom's hair a bit.
"One, Matt, stop biting my hair, that's kinky."
This Made Matt blush a bit
"Two, sure. where do you want to go?"
Matt thought for a moment (Momment?) before answering with "How about a simple dinner?"
"Wait..." Tom said, looking up at Matt.
"Can I suggest something?"
"Yes.""How about we go to ASDF land again?"
Matt shivered a bit "Isn't that where I got Little Tom?" A cheesy grin crossed his face.
"Yes, but that thing is super creepy." Tom implied, shivering also, but it was a bit harder.
"I know, but I want more!!" Matt said, his cheesy grin getting bigger."More super creepy toys?" Tom asked.
"No... More toys in general!" Matt yelped.
"Alright, alright." Tom groaned, sliding himself on Matt's lap.
"Tom- what are you doing?" Matt asked, his face getting red.
"Just getting myself comfortable." Tom said, moving around on Matt's lap until he was ''comfortable'' enough.
Matt just laughed, re-wrapping his arms around Tom and nom-ing on his hair again.
"Matt-" Tom complained.
"Nom nom nom nom" Matt said with a mouthfull of Tom's hair.
"Matt you're gross." Tom just laughed.
"So when's our date?" Matt asked, he was still nom-ing on Tom's hair.
"Around six-ish. Why?"
"Just wondering." Matt mumbled, shutting his eyes.
"Don't fall asleep on me." Tom mumbled.
But, that's exactly what happened.

ToMatt oneshots {Requests are open!}
RomantikToMatt oneshots, Requests are open! Yes, I know what you are thinking, ''Is smut allowed?'' The answer is: yES!! Smut is best thing. ~Cover art by Jazzy-j-wolf on Tumblr~