eight; the rollercoaster

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"Sabrina and Corey are suuuch cowards. They don't even dare to take this rollercoaster which isn't even the scariest!" Peyton joked, making me giggle.

"Yeah, but I'm glad you're taking it with me. I overcame my fear of taking rollercoasters, but I still need someone to be with me," I laughed nervously. I was with Peyton Meyer. Alone. For the first time in a long while. Rowan, please, please don't mess this up.

He turned to look at me and smiled cutely. "Of course I'd come. Even if I were scared, I'd still be here for you."

AHHHHHHHHH. My heart was melting as I blushed a bright red, I could feel. Sometimes I wondered if he liked me back, too. Maybe.

"Okay, take your seats!" The man in the uniform ushered the few of us to the rollercoaster and then closed the gate after about 20 of us went in. Peyton and I took the 2nd seat from the front, and we quickly buckled our seat belts. "Ready?" Peyton turned to ask me.

"Ye- yeah..." I muttered. I was definitely still scared of going on this. I wouldn't have come if Peyton wasn't the only one going. I would rather have stayed behind, but why would I miss the opportunity to be alone with him?

Just as I was starting to think about backing out, I felt my hand being intertwined with another. I looked down to see that it was Peyton's. Oh. My. God. Did he jus-

I then looked up at him to see him looking straight, and I said, "Thanks, Pey. I appreciate that. Am actually really, really scared."

"Don't worry about it, it'll be over soon enough!" He laughed and almost immediately after that, we were off.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"Woah." I breathed. Our ride had just ended and boy, was I glad when Peyton hugged me after seeing me scream and almost cry my lungs out.  You know that feeling when your crush takes the initiative to care about you so much? Well, it was amazing.

"I know, right?" Peyton said as we both walked out and towards Sabrina and Corey, who were standing near a store, eating popcorn and laughing happily.

I didn't know exactly why, but I felt something inside of me which I didn't know how to explain. Just that little... something.

"Well done, you champions," Corey laughed as he punched my shoulder lightly when he saw us in front of him.

"Ouch, Corey!" I pretended to be hurt and rubbed my shoulder.

"Oh, shit. Oh my god, I'm sorry, are you okay?" he then asked in concern, touching my shoulder as if to make sure I was fine.

I saw Sabrina and Peyton chuckling quietly behind Corey's back, and I held back the urge to do the same.

I smiled slyly and said, "Such an idiot." I laughed and punched him back.

It took him a while to get the joke before he said as he rolled his eyes, "You're the worst."

"Oh, you know I'm the best." I tickled him and ran off, grabbing Sabrina's arm as I did so. We laughed loudly, and at that very moment, with Sabrina and I running away from Peyton and Corey, I felt like the happiest, luckiest girl in the world, to have had such good friends. Please, please let nothing ruin this.

Little did I know.

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