First Day, Last Year

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"Diano, wake up"my mom whispers in her hushed sweet voice, ruffling my already-messed-up hair.
"Mhmm....five more minutes...."I mumbled under the humongous pile of bedsheets lying on top of me.
"Honey, it's the first day of school. You wouldn't want to be late"
That was enough for me to find my way out of the bedsheets and run to the bathroom for dear life.
I heaved out a sigh as I reached my beloved school, Meadows Private. This place is an exclusive private school where all the rich kids attend. I amthe daughter of the Mayor and I am the arch nemesis of this school's mean girl; Heather Maxwell daughter to the actor Tony Maxwell.
I push open the doors to the main office, joining the queue of students who are desperate to get their schedules. After half an hour of waiting in the line, it was finally my turn to get my information.
"Name please"says Mrs. Leavy from behind the counter.
"Diana Lawrance"I reply
The teacher goes up to a set of drawers to get my details"here is your schedule"Mrs Leavy hands me a piece of paper that holds my fate for the week.
First Period: Art, Room: 436
Second Period: English, Room: 201
Third Period: AP Biology, Room: 324
Fourth Period: Lunch, Room: Cafeteria
Fifth Period: Advanced Calculus, Room: 582
Sixth Period: Study Hall, Room: Unassigned
Satisfied with my timetable, I start walking to the exit but someone jumping on me and hugging me like there is no tomorrow prevents me to do so. I knew immediately who it was, ladies and gentlemen meet Zainab Hakim a.k.a Zee, the most cheerful person you will ever meet. For example, who will get excited on a pop quiz on a Friday afternoon. Answer: Zee. Who will get excited on eating soggy meatloaf. Answer: Zee. I could go on with trillions of examples but I would prefer not to. She was wearing a stunning leather jacket with a white Top underneath which went along with a pair of jeans and gorgeous black ankle boots. Her outfit complimented her sparkling blue eyes while her wavy chestnut hair hung over her shoulders.
"Yay!! It's the first day of senior year, I am so so excited!!"she yells hysterically.
"Yay...."I reply, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Oh come on Dee, this year is going to be amazing!"she says with(or rather shouts)enthusiasm.
Wow. How many nicknames can you make out of my name, she has called me Dia, Do, Dominos, Dice and many other to count.
"How many nicknames can you make out of my name?" I question with amusement written on my face.
"You see Dodo, you have a very.....very posh name and it gets boring saying it. Dia-na, see how it's so boring? It's much more fun making nicknames out of it"
Shaking my head with laughter we walk to our lockers to get our books for the first two periods.
I walk into the classroom and take a seat in the front row, our teacher isn't here yet, so I take out a book to pass the time.
A seat is pulled up next to me and......oh my goodness, Jack Miller settles in it. Jack Miller my crush for more than 10 years has sat beside me *squeals*. He is wearing a grey shirt with denim jeans, his messy brown hair is swept back, relieving his beautiful jade green eyes.
"Hi"he greets with his hot British accent.
Oh my, have I been checking him out! He must be thinking of me as a pervet. Ugh! I hate life.
"Hi...."I reply meeting his eyes for the first time.
"I haven't seen you around before. Are you new?"he asks with a questioning look.
Has he seriously forgotten who I am or is he trying to hit on me?
"Ummm...Jack, its me Diana"
"Wait, what. Diana like Diana Diana, like Deedee Diana"he stutter, clearly dumbfounded.
I don't blame him, 10 years ago I was Fat Diana and he was Jack my best friend. I was 12 when I finally realised I needed to lose some weight, so I went to gym everyday and started a diet plan. Two years later I went from Fat Diana to Cupid Diana, the one the girls look for when they need relationship advice. It's strange how I am good at giving relationship advice when I haven't even been in a relationship yet. Yep, no first kiss. Still virgin. No relationships.
"Yeah, it's me Deedee"I confirm.
"Wow man, you look hot"he says with lust in his eyes.
I blush on his compliment and reply "Yeah I know".
"How is Zee?"he asks.
Jack, me and Zee were the inseparable best friends in year three, but in year six he suddenly realised he had reputation so he left us and joined the popular kids of our school. I knew exactly why he left; because of my bullying. I was the most bullied girl in primary school, but I changed that when I came as the new me in high school and became popular for my famous relationship advice. The only one who stayed with me and stood up for me in those primary school years was Zee. Even though I am mad at him for leaving me, I can't deny the feelings I have for the guy.
"She is as awesome as always"I state.
He chuckles at my response and thats the end of our little chat because the teacher walks in.
I hope you liked the first chapter. Keep reading because there is more to come! I will be posting chapters every Thursday. And please check out my other book My Little Principe if you haven't already.
Until next week, byeeeee!!!!

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