10- Graduation and Marriage

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Ever since you, PJ, Fresh, Cil, and Abigail got kidnapped... the rest of the school year was a joke. Seriously! You all passed the school year with ease. You and PJ got a scholarship in (fav/sport) and for the same collage. Fresh and Abigail started to date as Cil started the little cinnamon roll he is.

You and PJ had been dating since the day you escaped your father... but PJ thought he wanted- needed to make it official. So, today at graduation, he would make it official. Right now you were talking to Abigail and Fresh when PJ tapped your shoulder.

You turned around as PJ started to blush. "(Y/n)..." Your eyes widened to PJ getting down on one knee, people started to look over. "You and I may not of had the best start, but I looked back that and..." You covered your mouth as PJ held a ring. People started to whisper as other started fangirling.

"(Y/n)... will you marry me?"

You were crying over joy as you nodded quickly. PJ saw you were trying to day something, but your throat was suddenly dry. PJ stood up and kissed you patiently.

Fresh covered Cil's eyes as Abigail took a picture with her phone. You and PJ pulled away before he slipped the ring on. You hugged PJ as tears of joy rolled down your face. PJ hugged you back as he rubbed your back and nuzzled you.

"Can I keep Hercules?"

"No way Abigail."

Abigail huffed before you chuckled. PJ smiled before Undyne came over with Alphys in her arms. "We call bride maids!" "U-Undyne!" Fresh uncovered Cil's eyes as everyone came over and congratulated you both. Abigail looked at Cil before squealing. "NOW I'M YOUR SISTER IN LAW!" Cil squealed as well. "YOU'RE MY SISTER IN LAW!"

The rest of the story should be easy to see. You and PJ became roommates and had a heated time after classes. [Insert Lenny face]. You both got great jobs and had a great family. You found your mother again and your father was arrested.

Hercules became a family pet and guard dog as Abigail and Fresh eventually got married.

To sum it up.

Your life was puurfect.

The End

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