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Akashi was sitting by the window in a cafe, a steaming coffee on the table. He looked at the door expectantly. Bokoto was late, Akashi thought, maybe he wasn't coming, maybe he decided he didn't like him after texting for a while.

Meanwhile, Bokuto ran as fast as he could through the crowds in town, shoes pounding on the pavement, leather jacket billowing in the wind.

Then he saw it; the little cafe on the corner. That was the one. He slowed down as he approached and then his arm reached out for the door pushed.

The cafe was pretty cool. The walls were made of grey wooden panels and large windows, and in the corner by one of these windows sat the every beautiful Akaashi. Bokuto ran over excitedly and stood by the sofa akaashi was sat at. "Hi Akaashi" he smiled
"Bokuto I'm glad you came" he said looking relived.
"Yeah sorry I was late I hope I didn't make you feel too bad" bokuto looked at the beauty that stared up at him as he plonked himself down on the sofa opposite akaashi placing his satchel next to him.
"It's ok I'm just glad you're  here now" Akashi gave a slight smile something bokuto felt was a rare occurrence for the man.
He also thought that he was more bothered about bokutos lateness than he suggested. The bus was late. Stupid bus service.

"So how are you?" Akashi asked bringing a large cup of steaming coffee to his lips.
"I'm great especially now im spending time properly with you" bokuto smiled flirtatiously and Akashi blushed averting his eyes from the salt and pepper haired man in front of him.

Akaashi then looked up at bokuto properly for the first time. He was wearing a tight white Motörhead tshirt with a leather jacket and black converse. He had a piercings in his ears and on his tongue. And tattoos snaked there way out from under his collar.

It was bokoto's turn to blush now. Apparently Akashi didn't need words to flirt and it was really cute the way he looked at him

To break the silence that wasn't really uncomfortable but felt like they could go in for days just looking at each other, bokuto said "I'm going to get a drink. Do you want anything?" getting up from the chair.
"Ummmm," Akashi pondered in his beautiful, monotonous voice. "The chocolateiest cake they have." He replied shyly. I nodded and smiled, walking to the counter.

Akashi watched as bokuto walked over to the counter. His ass looked real good in those jeans. His thighs alone were restricting akaashi's breathing. Akaashi had been suprised by bokuto. He was one of the nicest people he had ever met and made akaashi feel so special. He'd expected some jerkface gym bro but he could already feel himself falling in love.

Bokuto walked back to the table with a big mug of milky tea and a plate of brownies, one with a big spoon of chocolate icing and sprinkles.

He placed them on the table and plonked himself down on the sofa.
"There we go the chocolatiest I could find." Bokuto said putting the mug to his lips, his tongue piercing clinking on the rim.

It was nice and peaceful while the two ate and drank, ocasionly smiling at one another. Bokoto wasn't usually one for quiet but with Akashi he felt calmer and just enjoyed being with him.

They chatted for hours in that cafe taking breaks to buy more coffee and tea.  Eventually it was getting through the afternoon and bokuto had needed to catch a bus to work to check up on something so they parted ways at the city centre. And said they would meet up soon again. They hugged each other and Akashi looked at the gorgeous man in front of him for a moment before quickly kissing him on the cheek. They then walked out separate ways, a violent pink in bokuto's cheeks.

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