Running home

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POV Nico

I can't believe I'm doing this. I ran away from camp for a reason and now it feels like I'm coming right back. I can see her house now. The most colorful thing on this rainy day. I on the other hand was cold, wet, sick, and tired. It was to the point that I couldn't use my powers anymore and I felt like I could die if I'm out here for 30 minutes longer.

I rang the doorbell and waited. Guilt was more prominent in me in this moment then the rain soaking my skin. The door opened and I begged it not to be her butler.

"Oh my gosh Nico are you okay come here." Cheshar pulled me inside, into a hug. "Alfred Nico's favorite warm foods and warm clothes, freshly out of the dryer." She began pulling me up the stairs and and to a room with a fireplace. She sat me on the floor and wrapped two blankets around me. "You're due for a check up, and no buts or-"

"I won't fight you on this. You were right, my powers are hurting me and I need Doctor Cheshar to take care of me." I said in slight defeat.

She nodded firmly before turning away and muttering "Doctor Cheshar?" Without even seeing it I knew she was blushing. She had a first aid kit in every room. She kneeled next to me and began her check up. I smiled at her. This is why I loved her, she had such a strong need to care for others, and she cared for me so much that it was hard to leave her. I'm glad to be back with her. "So Nico, you have a fever, you were close to frostbite, a few minor injuries, and-"

"Doesn't matter will you take care of me, even though I ran away the first time." I laid my head on her shoulder. I needed to get out that I liked her during my time here. Might as well try and flirt my way to it, maybe get her to like me back before I tell her.

"Of course. Now Alfred brought some clothes for you." I nodded and went to change.

When I came back there was warm toast and dark chocolate hot cocoa with colorful marshmallows on top. I leaned against Cheshar as I ate. The warmest thing in the room was Cheshar. It wasn't just pure heat like the fire, but more of a safe warm and peacefulness. I melted into her as time went on. The silence was fine, I needed the peace. Medicine was given and I passed out within minutes.

I woke up snuggling a sleeping Cheshar. I was nestled into her neck, which she told me radiated the most heat, helpful to keep my hands warm. She had her arms around me in a protective way.

She woke up and looked down at me. Then sunshine came, not from the window, it was from her smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Better when I am with you." I smiled.

"Nico," She pulled away slightly and looked away, ears red. "How about we lay off the medicine and go get you some breakfast."

We both got up and I followed her to the kitchen. Alfred told us when it would be ready and we went to her back porch. The sun was rising and it made Cheshar glow. I watched her stare at her garden.

"Cheshar?" Now was a good time. It was peaceful and our friendship seemed established.

"Hmm~" She sang and turned to look at me.

I noticed something in her eyes. "Are you okay?" Telling her would have to wait.

"A-are... you gonna leave m-again?" She asked softly.

"What?" Leave again? "You mean like when I left camp," she nodded pursing her lips together. She was holding back tears. "I don't know. Why would you..."

"I like hanging out with you and I was super worried when you first left. And I used a lot of my powers yesterday really quickly so you wouldn't be sick or in pain. And please don't leave!" As she spoke she fidgeted with her hands in a frantic manner.

"Cheshar, I didn't like leaving you either. In fact it was hard to leave you because..." The fates have mercy on me, hopefully it will continue. "You are my my sunshine... my only sunshine." I sung softly looking into her eyes.

"Really?" She said looking excited, her mood suddenly changing.

"You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know how much I love you." I paused and grabbed her hands. "So I won't run away anymore." I didn't sing the last part.

"Nico~ Who knew you could be such a charmer." She leaned her forehead against mine. "If I wasn't already in love with you, that would got me instantly." Thank the gods! Oh I hope she means it. "I love you too Ghost King."

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