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POV Nico

    Zoned out next to me with music so loud I could hear it, was Cheshar. Jason and Hazel said I had to tell her before we got back to camp from our road trip. I had the entire trip to do this and plan something big or a date, but if she rejects me halfway through the trip the rest of the way home becomes awkward. That's my excuse to waiting until now. We'll know I have to do it and I may or may not ruin our friendship forever. Now would have been good but everyone is watching. Percy is giving me this look as well, which means Hazel is told him. He even pulled me aside to go on a long rant on why I need to do this. Right the benefits of telling her is that its off my chest. She's like a goddess and I'm definitely unworthy. I had to do it, soon and alone. Only her and I. Frank helped in the sense that he made reservations at a restaurant and it just so happens there isn't enough room so Cheshar and I sit alone.
    The bus stopped and I nudged Cheshar. The restaurant was some diner but it was better than the Burger King with a half lit sign. We walked in, ordered, and ate. We were both weak from sitting all day. Dessert has arrived and my time is running out.
    "Cheshar!" My brain is running faster than the flash and I yell-whisper her name.
    "Hm?" She hums and looks up.
    I was shaking, she looks too perfect and I might ruin everything in a matter of seconds. I'm pretty sure my heart has stopped.  I had to say it now. My mouth opened and words would not form. She cocked her head. "I-uh.."
    "Are you okay Nico? You're shaking." She reached out.
    "I've had a crush on you since the day we met and now I think I'm in love with you." I blurted out.
    I need to get out of here. I'm so stupid. I got up and looked for the bathrooms or the nearest exist. I might accidently shadow travel somewhere.
    "Do you really mean it Nico?" My hand was grabbed. I looked at Cheshar, a hopeful smile on her lips. I nodded softly. "That's good. I'm in love with you too."
    I blinked and I saw an unknown city before passing out.
    When the world came back into view the love of my life was before me. "Where are we?"
    "Paris, you shadow traveled us to Paris after I said... I love you." I grabbed her cheeks.    
    She smiled and nodded. "Come on, get up." We stood up and I realized we were standing inside the Eiffel tower. "You shadow traveled us to the most romantic spot in the world."
    "I did. And You didn't reject me."
    "Don't be surprised. Why were you even nervous, especially about me?"
    "Look at you! You're absolutely perfect in every way. I'm just-"
    She hugged me and buried her face in my chest. "You're perfect to me.You're handsome, polite, sweet, kind, strong, protective, loving, buff, and everything I want in a man." She paused and looked up at me. "You've saved me, helped me, taken care of me. I would be dead without you. I don't know a single reason why I wouldn't fall for you."
    I want to kiss her. I pressed my lips to her forehead, a good place to start. But my lips fell to hers. I couldn't help it. My eyes closed and the fear melted. I melted into her more. It seemed unexpected for her because she fell over. Our kiss ended and her giggles replaced it.
    "Nico are you okay?"
    "Im happy and in love with a pretty girl. And she loves me back what could be better."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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