Chapter 13*

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"I'm fat!" Harry cried out as he tried to put on his jeans.

"No your not" I say with an eye roll.

"Yes! look at me" he says waving his hands around himself.

"Babe your beautiful and your caring our baby, our pup. He/she is just growing"

He grumbled "But I can't even fit in my jeans anymore"

"Here let me help"

I helped him put his legs in them and got them to go up as much as they can. I grabbed a shoe lace and put the through the loops and tied them to hold the pants.



"Harry" I sighed

I wrap my arms around him as I turned him around to face the mirror. Putting my hand over his tummy. Now at 6 months pregnant he is quite...big.

"Gorgeous" I breath against his neck. My chin is on his shoulder.

Harry has bags under his eyes because the baby keeps him up at night with the kicking or being on top of his blander and needing to go to the bathroom.

We are heading down to the lake, the whole pack is going. He has a big white shirt on that fits right and doesn't show the baby bump a lot but still noticeable.

"Your beautiful" I say "you always are an if your fat then I must be fatter because I eat just as much as you and I'm not eating for two" I run my fingers over his sides and he squirms away while giggling.

"Ok. Ok. I'm ready now. Lets go"

I grab his hand as we walk down the stairs and to the front door. Well he kind of waddles now but still. It's cute.

I help him into the truck passenger seat. I climb in the drivers seat and the rest of the pack either goes in the other car or in the back I the truck in the bed.

Harry turns on the radio on his very poppy channel and starts singing along to the turns.

I sing along to the ones I know.

I smile as I see him smiling. I get the happy feeling that he is feeling. His hair is flopping all over the place because of the wind. He has sun glasses on.

We get to the lake and I jump out to help Harry down.

"I don't need help" he says while swatting my hands away.

I hover around to catch him if he falls. My arms are stretched out as he climbs down slowly. His feet touch the ground and he does a little cheer.

"See I can do it"

"Yes I know"

The rest of the pack grabs the lunch and ice chests. I have harry sit down. He whines about it of course.

"But louis I want to help!"

"Harry your six months pregnant. You can't be doing any heavy work just let us do it and sit ere an look pretty"

He pouts but doesn't complain after I say that.

I jog to the back of the truck. I grab the BBQ and Gael it off. I huff.

I finally got it off.

"Get some fire wood!" I shout at Joe one of my thetas. "Niall help me set up the logs"

We each grab a side and move them around to make a box so the fire would stay in one spot.

After we grab the chairs and set them up around. Niall starts cooking and the rest go out to the water or on the sand to play. I sit next to harry in the picnic chair.

I look out and smile at my pack. They are happy and healthy. I think I'm doing quite a good job at this alpha thing.

I feel Harry grab my hand and I turn my head an look at him. He smiles showing his dimples and I smile back.

"We are doing it"

"Yeah we are" I say as he gets up and unhooks his jeans.

"C'mon. I want to swim"


We walk to the shore and sleep in slowly. If the waves knocked me down a bit then harry was there to catch me and I was there to catch him also.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.


I know it's short sorry.

Thanks for reading.

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