Chapter 5*

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Louis POV.

My dad wants to meet him but I don't want him to, he might scare him off and and I just. I sigh and rub my hands over my eyes as I sit on the roof of the house.

The tiles on the roof are rubbing against my back but I don't mind I have other things on my mind.

Let's see what I have done so far.

Approach harry, check

Talk to harry, check

Don't make a fool of my self in front of him, ehhhh check

Become his friend, no check

Woo him, in progress

Get him on a date, no check

Get him to be my boyfriend, no no check

Fall in love, super no check yet

I rub my eyes with the heel of my palm and make a frustrated sound.

I start kicking the roof and hitting my fist against it.

"God. Why is this so hard?"

I sit up and stare out into the woods. The woods look quiet and peaceful but in reality they are not. It's nature, nature is not quiet, it's loud.

I groan. I'm getting off track.

I can't go to the cafe because it will look like I'm stalking. And I can't have that.

I hear buzzing beside me and look down. It's my phone, Niall is calling.

I pick it up.


"Louis!" I hear Niall shriek into the phone.

I pull the phone away from my ear and wince at the loud noise.

"Niall! You don't have to yell!"

I hear him laugh. That bastard.

"Let's go somewhere."

"Uh where"

"The mall?"

"To many people"

"The plaza?"

"Eh" I reply

I hear him groan in annoyance

"Well pick something"

"I don't know. I guess the park, we could Play some footy"

"Ehhhhhhhh okay"

"I'll walk to your house then"

"Don't have to"

"Why?" I say while walking to my window and climbing in.

"Because I'm already at your house"


"Turn around I'm in your room"

I look and he is laying on my bed.

I hang up.

"Why didn't you tell me, I could have came in. "

"You didn't say bye"


"You were on the roof and I don't like going out their. You know I'm scarred of heights"

I smile at him. "Yea I know"


"Hold on let me grab the ball and then we'll go"

I see him nod.

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