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Shattering glass,

Face to face with helpless hopes,

Reflections of me,

Creating this confidence I struggle to build up

walking empty handed,

Watching the scars appear with unwanting looks,

Crooked smiles, broken glass falls to my feet,

Your beautiful, Your pretty, those words,

Your beautiful your pretty

I created this thought in my head hoping for a realization,

Dust that seeks between the words of broken hearts and empty nothing's of,

Your beautiful, Your pretty,

Foreshadowed the words I once loved so much,

Only to be reminded of forsaking thoughts ,

That threw me in a alley that only I could hear myself cry and weep,

Realizing the loneliness of my stuggles,

Because that dark alley was always there left alone for my tears and my tears only


The broken glass that was one left,

I sat there and stared is this really what I want,

Never noticing the bigger picture of life,

There tapped an angel saying " beautiful is not what anybody tells you,

beautiful is beauty that is within in without yourself",


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