pt. 2. (18.)

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bear w me pls.

tyler was a year in complete remission. there fore, josh and him wanted to go out in celebrate.

"josh, where should we go?!" tyler sat down, next to his boyfriend.

"ummm i don't know, i wanna go somewhere really fun." josh said laughing.

"hmmm," he thought. "i know!! a club!" tyler announced.

"wh-what? tyler are we even old enough?!" josh questioned.

"of course we are, i looked online!" tyler clapped him hands in excitement.

"i m-mean i gues-"

"YAY!! i knew you'd come through!" tyler got up and jumped up and down.

"ok but we have to be very safe ok, i don't want my baby boy getting hurt" josh said, pulling tyler back into his lap.

"i promise joshie!" tyler snuggled closer to josh and kissed him very passionately.

w h y    am i so bad at this idk how people are still reading this. (BUT THANK YOU FOR DOING SO)

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