I dont want you to fix me, i want you love the broken pieces

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Content in this part is little disturbing ( child abused by father) I'm sorry if I'm hurting anyone sentiments, but it is reality in most of countries, many of such kind of cases are not even filed in police station, if you feel like it's not appropriate pls do pm me, I will edit content,

Abhi was in his room n tried to recall all face he could have probably seen in last a week but nothing he could remember, just then Purab comes in with 2cans of beer," have this you will feel better, you look so tired" Abhi gets up n goes near window, " it's nothing like that, actually I was thinking about Pragya, she was at pub last week that too without burka, but I couldn't recognise her", Purab was every excited, " that's not big problem, I have idea, you challenge her to come again at the without burka,  say you will find her" Abhi said as shocked, " no Purab, I promise her that from now I won't force her or trick her to show her face, sorry bro I can't take that risk" Purab understand what Abhi was trying to say n to change topic he offered him drink," aare, you know I can't handle hard drinks" n something clicked,  n he lost in thoughts, (yes that day that girl at pub, may be she is Pragya, no no no, that girl wore glasses n looked quite mature for college going, but she sang so well, if Pragya sings so good then why she would give my name for singing competition, no no it's not possible, but still she had this love, affection in her eyes) his thoughts were distracted by bulbul call
Bulbul: hi
Abhi: hi, so what's with you n Purab
Bulbul : oh come on if you are going to talk about him then pls don't talk to me
Abhi: don't get hyper, I was just teasing you
Bulbul: but I'm serious, when will you move on, forget Pragya, if she doesn't feel for you then why
Abhi: ( cuts between) share his thoughts, about the girl he met at bar n Pragya who filled form for him for singing competition
Bulbul: wow how thoughtful of Pragya, she is such a sweet heart, I'm sure both girls are same
Abhi: how can you be so sure
Bulbul: both know that you are fabulous singer n both didn't hide that feeling from you, infact both expressed it so conveniently without any second thought
Abhi: but I'm confused
Bulbul: I have idea, I will come to your pub tonight n suddenly I will call out loud Pragya, if she is Pragya then definitely she will react, we can make out from her face
Abhi: I love your idea, but you are not coming alone, you come with Purab
Bulbul: why you always set me up with him
Abhi: he is really good guy, I don't know why you don't like him
Bulbul: let it be, anything for you bro
Abhi: ok then, will meet you'll  at pub
Pragya was really excited to join at same place, n at same time she was bit nervous too, if he finds out that she is same girl," enough Pragya, if he finds out then fine, it has to happen someday, at the most he will know my past n may decide to end their friendship but at least I can live rest of life with his memoirs, maybe I should myself reveal everything to him n let himself decide"her thought were distracted by auto driver saying she has reached the place
Finally she entered the pub, Abhi was already there, he ask bulbul n Purab to come when he msg them, Abhi started with song tu chahiye (bajrangi bhaijaan), Pragya sang hasi ( humari aadhuri kaahani),after that both sang, jaise mera tu (happy endings)
Abhi msg bulbul to come, as soon as they finished singing, bulbul shouted, " Pragya you are the best" hearing that Pragya had tears in her eyes, n she ran from there followed by Abhi, Pragya was standing outside girls washroom trying hard not to cry any more, she was trying gathered herself, just then Abhi came,"what happened??"Pragya just hugged him tight for few minutes till manager inquired them, if everything was fine, Pragya broke hug, told manager that everything is fine now, she hold abhi's wrist n took him to stage they both continue with song, aagr tum saath ho ( Tamasha) Abhi was continuously looking at Pragya lovingly n she was also lost in him, both finished their performance as if only they are there in pub all alone, she again hugged him n told," hi I'm Pragya, will you be my best friend" Abhi was in shock, first time in his life, he was lost of words, " I love you" Pragya couldn't believe what she just heard, " what???" Abhi realise what he said, "I mean I would love to be your best friend" n both went to corner table n were talking, bulbul n Purab got their answer that she is Pragya n they knew Abhi will make sure she accept his proposal,  both Purab n bulbul left pub giving Abhi thumbs up, it was around 1am, street was dark as lights stop working,  while they were walking Purab puts his hand on bulbul shoulder, n (taad, slap) he didn't see the face of that person, bulbul controlled her laugh n helped him stand up, Abhi was looking from window of pub, n he too was laughing
Pragya came back
Abhi: why did you hit Purab
Pragya: you know him
Abhi: yes, he is my best friend, n he likes bulbul
Pragya: what ??? Bulbul, does she too likes him
Abhi: No, but how come you know bulbul????
Pragya:I won't lie, as  I trust you Abhi more then anyone, so please, don't tell to anyone n specially bulbul, IM HER ELDER SISTER
Abhi: but she never told me about you, not even when I told her about you, that you are in my college n all, she only gave me ideas about pulling your veil, n today also it was her idea to shout your name, she is like little sister to me
Pragya: ( amazed) but what was need for all this, you could ask me directly
Abhi: ( quite embarrassed n he wanted to change topic)  don't change the topic Pragya n tell me, why did you slap Purab ??
Pragya: I thought he was trying to be physical with bulbul so....
Abhi: have you lost it, you are really insane
Pragya: ( looking in other direction, lost somewhere) it all starts with little, casual physical touch
Abhi:(understands what she meant by that) did anyone tried to get physical or something like that
Pragya: (cuts between) can we go somewhere else, please
Abhi: if you don't mind, we can go to my place or beach, maybe your place, actually wherever you are comfortable
Pragya: let's go to my place
Abhi: ok, let's go
Purab n bulbul reached at bulbul's place,
Bulbul: bye Purab, see you tomorrow at college
Purab: I'm going,
Bulbul: where???
Purab: I'm going to Delhi,
Bulbul: when are you coming back
Purab: maybe month or 2 months
Bulbul: what about studies
Purab: I will continue but through correspondence
Bulbul: so you are not coming to college ever
Purab doesn't answer n says bye n leaves from there, bulbul was still standing there in shock
Abhigya at Pragya's place, as they enter, it was well decorated n maintain 3BHK apartment,
Abhi:(makes himself comfortable on couch) so do you leave here alone or with your parents, where are they, why bulbul stays with her maami, why not with you??
Pragya: shut up, how many questions you ask at a time, just relax n just wait here, I will be right back
Abhi:(was looking around, he finds many photo frames but there was something missing n he questions again)
Pragya, why all frames are incomplete???
Pragya: ( comes in her night suite, lose tshirt n short pants) you are not impossible, why you want all answers, it's better if some questions remain unanswered
Abhi:( confused) I didn't get you, what do you mean by that
Pragya:( folds her hands to her chest ) I give up, you are really a question mark
Abhi: ( chuckles) you are again changing topic
Pragya: ok fine,  years back I was molest, sexually abused
Abhi:( with anger in his eyes, he shakes Pragya) who was he, I won't leave, we will be dead man
Pragya: he is dead, even I was not able to leave him, when he tried same dirty things to my bulbul, I KILLED HIM
Abhi:(shocked) who was he???
Pragya:(tears start coming from her eyes) my stepdad, it all started, I was 15yrs when mom joined call centre job, her was at night shift 8pm to 8am, he would sleep with us( bulbul n me) n In night when I was in deep sleep he would molest me, that went for years, I never told mom about this as she loved him, he was her life, he even convinced mom to send bulbul to hostel, so that he could do whatever he wants n whenever he wants to do with me, but he was real father of bulbul, how could he
Abhi: ( hugs her n assure her he is with her ) what happened, tell me properly
Pragya: I was 19yrs n bulbul was almost 9,
I was 19yrs, when mohan(stepdad) crossed all the limits n tried to rape me, it was totally unexpected for me, n every next day, I requested my mom that I wanted to stay at my maami' place for few days but he was so desperate, he called bulbul one day from hostel, when I came to know that I was scared to death n I told everything to my maami n asked to come with me, home
When I entered, he was sleeping next to her, n just waiting for moment n he started with his awful acts, maami just pushed him n took bulbul from him, I asked maami to leave from here, I will handle everything, n she went with bulbul, he was really angry, he jumped on me n this he was successful, my mom just then entered n saw him inside me, she could not take this shock n she understood everything she tried her best to protect us but she failed, she was broken beyond repair, she felt so low, shameful, she thought, all was her mistakes, if she didn't married such animal, my life would have better, finally looking at me, she said sorry n committed suicided.That good for nothing started pouring alcohol on her body, n told now he is free from all n won't spear me n bulbul, he even told, " you have served me enough, now it's bulbul turn, it will be fun with her tender age "
That was it, something inside me gave me power n I took knife from kitchen n I killed him, I was in Jail for 10years, maami lied bulbul that all died in car accident, she even hide all our pics, n never talk about us, bulbul never interact with any of our other relatives, she was shifted to Dehradun hostel, n  when I came back, maami assured me that bulbul now don't remember me, n maybe even forgot my name. N I decided to finish my college, it would have difficult to explain why in 30s I'm joining college, so I wore burka
Flashback ends
Abhi:( hugs her again, n kisses her forehead) pls don't feel left out, forget everything like bad dream, I'm always there with you n promise I won't tell anything to bulbul
Pragya:(nervous) so you won't break friendship with me, you are ok to be friends with criminal
Abhi:( smiles at her innocence n holds her hands) ya I would love to have such cute criminal as friend 
Pragya:(hugs him) after so many years, I m happy, you know only aaliya knows all about me, I used to share everything with her, but from now you are also my bestie n gives him side hug
Abhi: ( went with the flow) what if I want more from you
Pragya:(confused) what???
Abhi: ( nervous) I LOVE YOU PRAGYA
Pragya:(shocked) that's not possible, I'm 31yrs, almost 10 years elder then you, it's better you find someone of your age
Abhi: when I started to feel for you I didn't know you were elder n now just because I know, my feelings will change, how could you think like this, my feelings won't change for you ever, take your time, i will wait till I hear yes from you ( gives kiss on forehead)
Pragya:( admire him) I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, it's just I never thought of you like that
Abhi: you better start thinking about me,
Pragya:(laughs) ok, you win but promise you won't force me into this, I need time n yes you will not ask me again, I will tell when I'm ready
Abhi: but better hurry, there are many complications in pregnancy in late 30s
Pragya:(in disbelief) what??? How can you even think to such an extent, you are just 22, all you need to do is concentrate on studies at this time n you are thinking ....., I just don't have words for you
Abhi:(gives naughty smile) I was telling late 30s that's maybe 5years from now, but if you want now then (taad slap)
Pragya: you just leave from here


Pragya: stop it suresh,
Suresh: come on, you like it when we were in college
Pragya: but
Suresh: pls Pragya don't stop in middle, let me finish pls
Pragya: ok, but only today, this is last time we are doing

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