Honoka Kousaka

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You've had a long day, and you're craving some sweets as usual. Your classmate Honoka happens to run a sweet shop, so you decide to go there and get a sweet bun or something.

As soon as you walk in, Honoka's eyes brighten and she smiles real big. "Hi there!" she says in her chipper voice. She always seems so happy to see you. She's probably like that with everyone, being the friendly person she is.

"Hi, could I get-"

"A manjuu?" She's already reaching for a bun.

"How did you know?" You know it's probably because you get the same thing every time. You're a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I think it's cute that you like our sweets so much," Honoka says. She then blushes. "A-and convenient!! I know what you're gonna get so I never have to prepare, you know, I never have to wonder-uggggh" She makes a pouty face and hands you your sweets. "Here."

"Thank you," you say.

The door opens, and Honoka's little sister walks in.

"Ooh, there you are! Now I can take my break!"

Yukiho's mouth drops. "I just got home!!" she whines.

"Well I've been working allllll day!"

"You've been working for two hours."

"That's too much!!" Honoka grabs a bunch of bread and runs out from behind the counter. "You're in charge now."

"Uggggggh FINE." Yukiho drags herself over to the counter and slumps down dramatically into the chair.

Honoka dashes towards the stairs to her room, then beckons you over.  You've never seen more of her house than the sweets shop, so you're curious to see what it looks like.  You follow her to her room.

She plops down on the ground before a mini table and dumps all the rolls out.  You stand there awkwardly, wondering if you should join her.  She grabs a roll and takes a huge bite.  She makes noises at you because her mouth is full, and points to the spot on the other side of the table.  You make your way over and sit down. 

After a big gulp, she says, "Umi and Kotori usually hang out with me, but for some reason they went to dinner and a movie and didn't invite me."  She takes another bite of the roll. 

"I'm sorry," you tell her. 

"Starting like, almost a month ago, they've been talking to each other more and I feel like a third wheel around them.  The three of us have always been friends, I wonder if they're mad at me."  She takes another bite.  "Eat!" she says with her mouth full. 

You take a roll and bite into it.  "Maybe they want to date," you suggest.

Honoka's expression twists into one of horror and dread.  "I hope not!" she cries.  "They won't EVER want me with them, and I'll be all alone!" 

"You have other friends, right?  Hang out with them."

"Yeah but, those two are my BEST friends!"  Honoka then looks determined.  "I need to get a girlfriend.  Then we can go on DOUBLE DATES!"

I volunteer as tribute, you almost say.  She's probably joking.

"I know!" Honoka points directly at you. "YOU can be my girlfriend!"

"Ehhh?!" You feel your entire body heat up.

"Yeah! If I had to choose someone to date, it would be you!"

"Are you serious or joking?!"

"I'm serious!" Her face falls. "Unless you don't want to."

"No no! I do!" you blurt.

Her eyes light up.  "Really?!"

"Yeah, it's just..." you sigh.  "I really like you Honoka, and I don't want us dating to be all about getting back at Kotori and Umi."

"Ohhh no no no!" She waves her hands and shakes her head.  "I like you too!  That's why I asked you!  I knew Kotori and Umi liked each other so I encouraged them, so I could have a reason to ask you out! And I thought my clever plan worked but...you're doubtful..." She hangs her head.

"So all that stuff about feeling like a third wheel was...part of your plan?"

"Well, I mean, I do feel like a third wheel but...yeah."

"You didn't need a reason to ask me out, you could have just asked me out and I would have said yes."

"But-" Honoka's face is red and she's clearly flustered.  "I didn't know that."

"It's okay," you tell her, reaching out and taking her hand.  "It worked out."

Honoka's face is even redder and she turns her head.  You are so looking forward to your uncertain, but happy future.

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