Kotori Minami

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You love her. You love her kindness, her selflessness, her humility. She's so cute too. When you sit with her and spend time with her, even in a meeting of idol study club where there's a ton of other people, you feel like you two are the only ones in the whole world.

But even your wonderful feelings can be interrupted by Nico slamming the door open.

"Nico Nico Nii!! Everyone's favorite idol is here!"

"Not mine," you retort. You and Kotori are sitting together eating your lunches. She has a tasty looking sweet bun, but you won't ask for any because you know she'll give you most of it. Her kind personality gets in the way of her thinking about herself. You want her to be the happiest, even if it simply means her getting all of her bun instead of sharing it.

"Hey hey hey Kotori!" Nico approaches you two and suddenly groans.

"I am so hungry," she whines. You know just what she's trying to do.

"Is that a MANJUU?" Nico squeals, staring at Kotori's lunch.

"Do you want some?" Kotori asks. No no no no no-

"I would LOVE some, thank you sooooo much!"

Kotori breaks off a piece of her bun and happily gives it to Nico. You internally sigh as Nico shoves the piece into her mouth in one bite, probably not even going to say thank you. "I'm still hungry," she says.

Why does everyone have to take advantage of Kotori's kindness, something you love so much? It's really making you mad.

Just as Kotori is allowed to give up yet another piece of her bun, you intervene.

"Hey Nico," you call out, leaning back in your chair to face her.


"Don't you have money to buy yourself food?"

"Yeah but if Kotori will give me food I don't have to."

She even admits it. That's the last straw for you. "Do you mean you're willing to take advantage of her kindness?"

"Ehh?! That's not what I said!"

"It...basically was."

"Dude chill out."

You shake your head. "Here, how about-" You hand her the last of your sushi. "There. Here's food."

Nico's eyes light up. "Wow!! Thanks!!" She takes your food away and goes to sit with the other seniors.

"(Y/N)?" It's Kotori. You love her voice.


"Why do you yell at people for taking things from me, when you let people do the same to you?"

You gulp. "That was...that wasn't me trying to make Nico happy, that was to make you happy."

"How would it make me happy?"

You're taken aback. "Are you upset?"

"No! Not at all! I'm just wondering."

"Well, I mean, I thought you wouldn't be happy if you had to give up your sweet bun, so I couldn't let it happen."

Kotori smiles at you. "I am happy." She lightly touches your arm. Your heart flutters.

Then she says, "You don't need to try to make me happy. You already make me happy by being here with me."

"Really??" You almost double over from the swelling joy in your body.

"Of course," she says.

You've made her happy almost the same way she makes you happy. That's all you ever really wanted.

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