Kinds of students

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First , everyone knows that in school there is 5 categories of students.

- The nerds 📚

- The normal persons👌

- The popular😎

- Sport fanatics ⚾️

- Drama-queen 💁

First, the nerds ! You can't say anything about them , because they are not disturbing at all. They are always at the library. They always seem ''happy'' to be at school. They are always the teacher's favorites.

Why ? Because first, they are ''listening'' at what the boring things the teachers says.

Teacher : Who wants to share their weekend ?

Nerd: Me ! Me!

Teacher: Okay Sheldon ! What did you made during your week end ?

Nerd : I readed 3 books about the theory of the gravity on the earth and I watched every movies of Star Wars.

Teacher : Okay ! Thanks anyone else eants to share their week ends ?

*90% of the class is asleep , dreaming about they could be asleep in their comfortable bed except of that desk and that unconfortable plastic chair. *

Exemple 2 : The teacher gives us homework time in the math class. Their homeworks are ALWAYS done . The teaxher gave them the rest of the period free . They can do what they want . but , no ... They prefers to group themselfs and do MORE maths.

*I don't have any problem against the nerds. They are really nice and they are always really happy to help you . * 😉

The other kind of students are : the normal one

The normal students are always really nice . They are not making any problems with nobody and have respect for everyone .

The normals students are making notes in like 80% and + .

They are not wearing slutty clothes but not to mutch clothes to ... They are just, normal.

The other kind of students are the populars .

The populars are somehow really mean. Espicially the girls one.

They don't have any respect for anyone. They are wearing the most slutty c'othes of the shops. They are talking bad of everyone in their backs. You don't want to be friends with them. It's just a lit of trouble ...

The popular , also named the "preps" are making notes in like 70% and - .

Most of them already dated every boys in the school and have slept woth most of them.

The sports fanatics are living for the sports.

They got every apps of sports on their Iphone.

They are watching every game of hockey and won't miss one .

They will talk about the game they listenend yesterday for the ENTIRE day. They will have at least 4 fights about witch team will win this night.

They are always wearing , t-shirt , gym pants and a baseball hat.

And finnaly , the drama queens

They will do anything to get their points. They always finish every words with their faces red.

The only persons who have the guts to get up on a table and yell at their boyfriends.

They always give me a big headache. I'm so proud of the company Advils . I'm so glad the painkillers exist ....

So that was Julie with my article about the kind lf students . I'm opened to every ideas ... Comment you ideas. I will resd them all with a big pleasure.

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