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       Her eyes wandered to the sea of people, observing each from a distance. Taking notice of little details others often disregard. She stared at a boy she knew from class who was always popular among their peers. As everyone paid attention to his bright smile and laugh, she noticed the dark hues forming under his eyes. His face which was once so kind and soft was now sunken and sorrowful. Her eyes moved to a girl sitting in the corner of the courtyard of her school. It was a girl who seemed that she was loved by many, but she talked to her friends with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Eden was always observant even as a child. She was raised to be aware of her surroundings in spite of this cruel word. She was taught to observe the behavior of people in order to protective herself when no one else can. Now as an adult, this became an involuntary habit of hers.

"Eden, are you coming to the library after class?" Maya asked, breaking Eden out of her daze. She nodded a response to her best friend as she gathered her things in preparation for class. Eden walked alongside Maya who talked about recent school gossip that didn't interest Eden but nodded nonetheless to Maya's rambling. They entered the classroom as they usually did, taking their seats in the process.

Ten minutes into the professor's lecture Eden has found herself lost in her mind again. She fiddled with her pen as she filled her notes with doodles. She drew a rose for what it seemed like the millionth time but she found serenity doing it. She then heard the door of the classroom open but couldn't care to look up.

"Sorry for interrupting," the stranger's voice said. Eden's head finally looked up as she was curious who the unfamiliar voice belonged to.

Her breath seemed to be caught in her throat as she set eyes on the boy in front of her. His eyes scanned for an empty seat which coincidently in front of Eden. As he took his seat she was engulfed by a heavenly scent that even she couldn't describe. She felt a nudge and she turned towards Maya who was winking suggestively as she mouthed the words 'He's hot'. A crimson blush devolped onto Eden's cheeks as she couldn't disagree.

Throughout the remainder of the class Eden observed every detail of this boy. The way he gripped his pen firmly while writing so delicately onto the paper. How he occasionally interlocked his hands in front of him when he seemed bored. Or how he took deep breaths as if they were his last.

When the professor finally dismissed the class the stranger was one of the few out the door first. Eden waited with Maya as they both exited the classroom together.

"Did you see that new guy? He's one fine specimen if you ask me." Maya said, Eden rolled her eyes playfully at her friends comment.

"Calm your hormones, Maya. If I remember correctly, you have a boyfriend." Eden laughed as her friend sighed. Maya and her boyfriend have been in a relationship since freshman year of high school. 5 years later, Eden still can't fathom that they've been together that long.

"Yes but that doesn't mean I can't say whether a fellow human is attractive or not" Maya retorts sassily as Eden laughs while shaking her head.

"If you say so."

The two first entered the library with books in their arms as they looked for a table. As they both placed their books on the table, Eden saw a figure in her peripheral vision. Her head turned quickly to the movement instantly locking eyes with the stranger from class.

In that moment, Eden didn't mean to have her eyes to stay locked with his. To prevent any awkwardness from the situation, Eden smiled at the guy while turning her attention back at the books in front of her.

"Have fun?" Maya teased. She obviously noticed the staring contest that happened right before her eyes. Eden scoffed.

"What do you mean" Eden's eyes stayed on her books, refusing to meet Mays's eyes.

"You were staring at the guy from class" she stated.

"So? Doesn't mean any thing" Eden just wanted her to drop the topic but she knows that's nearly impossible.

"Well explain how he's still looking at you" Eden turned around and indeed he was. She looked at him with furrowed brows confused as to why he was looking at her.

Eden never got any attention towards the opposite sex. She always was focused with her school work care to even care about boys. Yet at this moment, as his light eyes lock on to hers, she felt something she's never felt before.

She didn't know whether that feeling was good or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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