Chapter 15: You are ready

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Previously on "hannie":
Annie and Hayden go to the doctors for a checkup

9months later

Hayden's POV:
I woke up and I walked into the living room and I see Annie so stressed I walked up to her

H: Annie?

A: yes?*holding her tears*

H: are you ok?

A: um yeah definitely

H: I know that look in you eyes your not okay what're going on

A: when we went to the doctors they said we took a big risk on to not taking going to get the baby checked

H: yeah but he said the baby was good shape

A: I know but if I can't take care of the baby now before it's born how am I gonna be responsible when the baby is born

H: Annie what are you talking about your the most responsible person I know

A: I don't think I can be a mom

H: yes you can we're gonna take care of this baby with all the love in the world don't worry

A: I'm not ready

H: Annie, look at me in my eyes and tell me you don't love this baby

A: *looks at eyes * I do

H: then your ready all you need is love to care for this baby with love you can be responsible, with love you wouldn't even want to let go of our baby

A: thank you hayden I needed that *wiping her tears*

H: that's why I'm here for I mean who is going to help you when your down

A: *laughs*

The next day

Annie was in bed looking through her phone and she got a contraction

A: AHHH *says in pain*

Hayden jumps right up so scared

H: omg what happened is the baby coming

A: no I do thinks so but I got a -AHHH a con- OUHHHH contraction

H: it must be a bad one im going to call the doctor

On the phone with the doctor

H: hey doc

D: hey

H: my wife she's pregnant and she has a major contraction

D: ask her 1 through 10 how much does it hurt

H: babe 1 through 10 how's the pain

A: 8 AHH

H: she said 8

D: ok bring her in

At the hospital

D: ok annie I need you to breathe in and out

Annie starts breathing fast

D: slower

A: k

D: much better I'm gonna do the same thing I did 9 months ago and put gel on you and I'll rub this camera on


D: woahh look at that the baby is close to being upside down, we're gonna have to have you here and until you have 10cm then that's when we will pull the baby out

H and A: WHAT

A: the baby is coming already

H: OMGG Annie

Hayden is holding Annie's hand while calling her mom to bring the box of the gender reveal. Katie said she on her way

Katie gets here will Jayden, jojo, Carson, Hayley and Connor

A: omg he guys

Jay: heyy omg I'm so happing for you *she says while tearing*

J: omg me too

Katie hands the box to Annie so she can open it

K: here you go

Annie opens the box and a bunch of balloons come flying out

Everyone gasps

H: Annie were gonna have a......

OOOOHH WHAT ARE THEY GONNA HAVE ❤️are they gonna have a boy or a girl. Tell me in the comments which one is your favorite chapter. Btw guys I skipped all they way to 9 months because tbh I wanted the baby to be born already😂

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