C H A P T E R 1

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I've been wanting, dreaming for our bodies to collide together, while he lifts my chin with his index finger kissing my lips softly but passionately. Our breathing became slower, my hands running through his hair gently tugging at the ends, his muscles flex with every movement. He plants his hands on my thighs making sure he left bruises there the next day.

"Harper. Harper! Are you listening?"
Callie claps her hand in front of me as I day dream of him. Ethan Dolan. "Sorry what" I ask Callie "Anyways I was saying if you- Harper your doing it again!" I turn my head as I look at his lunch table I began to stare until Grayson nudges him and whispers in his ear then he looks over at me. I move my head quickly trying to not make it look like was looking over there, but he smirks running his hand through his hair, then turning his attention back to his friends.
Callie waves her hands in front of my face as I blush. "Damn it Harper you've been looking over there for the past three days, just go say hi already." She says rolling her eyes. "No, I can't." I cross my arms. "And why is that?" Copying my motions as she also crosses her arms. "Because. he probably doesn't even know I exist, even though I sit behind him in third period." "So what Harper, you have to take chances just go say hi, what can go wrong?" I put my hands over my face. "Callie many things can go wrong, what if I make it awkward what if he doesn't know my name what if he lets me stand there looking stupid in front of his friends. I breathe out. "You're over thinking this."

I pack my things leaving the table because the bell is about to ring I slowly walk into the hallway as someone pushes me making my books fall out of my hand. I turn to see it was Laura I dislike her with a passion. I kneel down to pick up my books when someone helps me I look up and see a smirking Ethan I blush turning red as a tomato as he hands me my books we stand up and I say thank you and he gives me a smile and walks away. I walk to my locker putting my things in as Callie rests against the side asking "What was that all about?" "I- I honestly don't know. Laura bumped into me causing my books to fall out of my hands and when I was getting ready to pick them up Ethan kneels down to help."

A/N Oh my

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