C H A P T E R 5

245 7 2

After more weeks passing working on their projects, neither one of them has confessed the way they feel about each other.
The deadline for the project was coming up.

A/n is this considered smut?

Ethan's p.o.v

It seems every time I close my eyes she's there, touching me.
"Tell me what you want." She murmurs, her lips kissing either side of my neck. Her cool breath falling upon my skin leaving me to move under her touch. Her hands were holding me down as she teased me, knowing if I tried to touch her she would only stop. I liked her being in control only made me want her even more. My pants starting to tighten, she's straddling me moving her hips in a circular motion, becoming hard under her touch. "I want you" I breathe out. She lifts her head up smiling. "Beg. Tell me what you want, anything" I tried to place my hands on her hips to push her down more only for her to grab my wrist. "I can't hear you, tell me, tell me what you want" I let out a shaky breathe. "I want you to pull my hair, while kissing me leaving me wanting more of whatever you do" I close my eyes. "That's better" she does what I say. She shifts again, and I groan not expecting her to push herself against me. Her nails deepening into my sides, her lips moving down to the waist band of my boxers. I let out a long breathe, her head moving down kissing me everywhere my hands found themselves on her hips she slaps them away before moving her mouth to my ear. "Don't touch. Understand" she bit my ear. I couldn't do nothing but let out a groan. Her hands slipping inside my waist band I lift up so she could pull my pants down along with my boxers. "So eager, are we" my hips moves upwards. As innocent as she was, her voice slow and tempting made it hotter knowing she was in control.

My dream suddenly ended. I needed to tell her. I checked the time realizing it was late.

I grabbed my keys and went down stairs. There was no reason for me to sneak out, my parents were out of town. Grayson was most likely sleep. As I began to make my way over.


I stood on the front step contemplating whether or not I should text her, it is late. Maybe I should come later.

Stop being a dumbass, and tell her how you felt.

Why are you back.
Making it sound more of a statement instead of a question.

Because it seems as if you can't make choices on your own I'll just have to influence you.

I scoff at what my subconscious said as I make my way to the back door, knowing her parents didn't lock it.

I stood there watching over her, light snores escaping her mouth, fingers twitching every few seconds, her hair slightly tangled.
God how I would love to run my fingers through her hair and roughly pull at the ends as she moves her head-

Can you not.

I reach down, the back of my hands stroking her cheek. "Hey" no response. My mouth made its way over to her neck. What am I doing, having no control of what's happening. Oh I have an idea. I was peppering kisses on her neck until I found her sensitive spot. In return she let's out a soft moan. Her eyes opened as she blinked rapidly realizing she was enjoying what I was doing to her.

"Ethan what are you doing here?" She sat up in bed rubbing her eyes.

"I wanted to see you." I say simply shrugging my shoulders.

"You wanted to see me? You could've seen me tomorrow, Instead you show up at my house in the middle of the night. Wait how'd you get in?"

"Yes I wanted to see you, And I couldn't wait." I say ignoring her last question, wouldn't want her to start locking the back door, now would we.

"What do you mean 'couldn't wait'? What are you talking about?"
I sat on the side of her bed making it dip in as I leaned in.

"I couldn't wait to do this" saying more as a whisper.

A/n Early update butt, Do you ever think about one of your teachers coming across your book (specifically ones with smut) and I don't know somehow find out its your book, then mentions it. Cause same.
Until next time noodles.

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