Chapter 8 - What a bummer!

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 “Justin?” I said in a soft voice. The tall guy turned around and I was stunned to see this guy right in front of me.

“Why do you look so surprised? Yes! I know I’d found you here” asks him.

“You look really different today. You usually wear your varsity jacket, right?” I exclaimed, not noticing his last sentence.

“You know, you really sound like you’re always watching me” Justin chuckled and winked.

“Of course not, it’s not like you’re the only jock that usually wear those jackets.” I said calmly. That was a close one. This whole pretending thing is really hard.

“Makes sense. Do you want to know why I’m wearing this kind of clothes?” he said while smiling seductively.

“Why?” I said trying not to look at his seductive smile for I can’t resist those smiles.

“Because there was this girl that I met, a couple of days ago and the thing is I can’t get her off my mind, she’s not like other girls…first, I thought she’s a tomboy but there’s something on the way she smiles, it makes me want to kiss- no, makes me want to smile too” he said looking at me. His words sent shivers to my skin. I can feel my face blushing.

 “And did you happen to know her?” he continues to talk without breaking the stare he’s doing.

“No, I don’t think so. Who’s she? She must be so lucky” I said turning around, leaning over the rails of the roof top.

“I’m not saying who she is. I’d leave the guessing to you” he said moving close towards me.

I remember the scene yesterday as Nigel moves closer to me, even though Justin is my long lost childhood best friend, I can’t help but to think he’s now changed and right now, I think I’m getting the picture on what he’ll do next and I don’t want him kissing me because of him being a flirt but I want him to kiss me when he truly loves me. So I flinched away from him.

“You really look like Jeremy, wearing those clothes” I said out of the blue ‘cause that’s the only way to break away from what he was about to do. His expression changed and he looks really pissed.

“Why do people always compare us? We really don’t have anything in common in terms of social status. Besides, he’s a dick so don’t go comparing me to him!” his eyes flare up raging in fire as he said it.

“I’m- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” that’s all I could say and after that, I run as fast as I could. I can feel my tears bursting out and my heart is breaking too inside. I also don’t feel like going back to class for I really can’t concentrate after what have happened. I don’t know what to do. Why is he so mad? Besides, I didn’t compare them. I just said he looks like him. I can’t go back home for I don’t want to see Nigel’s face. So I pick up my cell phone from my pocket and dialed Michie’s number. In one or two ring, she answered.

“Summer? Hey, aren’t you supposed to be in class today?” says Michie. She sounds awfully sick.

“Never mind that, you’re at home, right? I’m coming there in a bit.” I said and hang up. I went to the nearest convenient store and bought some snacks for us to eat. I was looking up some fruits to buy when I saw Nigel and some of his friends entered the convenient store too. I hid and watched them.

“Dude, you totally left me there” Nigel said in a frustrated look.

“Oh come on, mate. First of all, we didn’t leave you there ‘cause it was your house. Second, we were stoned there waiting for your lil’ sissy to arrive. We won’t wait forever” Explains the other guy in a fluent British accent.

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