chapter three

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you loose yourself trying to hold on to someone who doesn't care about loosing you.
find someone who can gathered the pieces that flied away after a long time fighting for someone who never fought for you

maya quickly gathered herself.

drying her tears and letting the long sleeves cover her open cut.

some pair of ocean blue eyes crashed into a pair if green ones.

"handsome?" she said cleaning her thorat.

you could tell out of his body language that he was confused. his face too.

the handsome wanted so badly to ask why, but he was to wise to understand he shouldn't rigth now.

he sat down beside this crying blonde.

the muscular hand of his stroke her cheek before taking off his scarf.

it was dark green, blue, orange, a hint of brown and some grey. the scarf by it self could tell a story, a story of the earth. green, blue, orange, brown and grey.

maya snapped out of her deep thoughts and looked at what the handsome was doing.

he pulled up the sleeve carefully and tide the scarf around the cut. they both looked at her arm, before they looked at each other.

the young gentleman was still confused, but smiled weakly to maya to show her it's okay.

he picked her up in a bridal style and walked to the stairs.

the blonde had no clue what he was doing, and was kinda panicking inside. but with no power left, it was nothing she could do.

he walked in to an apartment with a sign saying friars on the door.

the blonde didn't knew he lived here, but in some way she was glad he did.

his apartment was the complete opposite of hers. colorful and light.

he walked into a room, and placed her broke body on a bed.

the pretty face of his smiled a bit before walking away.

"stay." maya stuttered.

but not loud. he didn't hear it.

the blonde woke up of one single sunbeam shining bright. her eyes opened up.

this was wired to her. she never experienced this in a long while.

the black curtains in her room was always closed, so sunbeams never lighted up her room.

as she tried to stand up, pain in her cuts wasn't a problem. you see, the handsome had nursed her wounds.

she laid back down and smiled weakly. she always to not get to happy about something, because if she did, it would only leave her.

leave like her father. leave like her mother. leave like everyone.

the thought of that the handsome man from the shop that she barely knew, made her afraid.
scared. nervous. madly and deeply sad.

she turned over to her right side, causing her to feel a little prickly in her cut.

her heart hopped over a beat when she saw a tray with a glass of orange juice, a piece of bread and a red rose.

her body quickly sat up and studied the tray.

a sheet of paper laid hidden under the beautiful rose.

made this to you.
stay as long as you need.
and remember to rest, your wounds needs to heal.
if you need anything, you know where to find me.
~ Lucas aka handsome devil ;)

lucas? he care? for me?



don't get feelings for him

he'll just run away. like everyone else

everyone else

i, maya hart, watched the people i loved leave me. and the worst is, that it felt like I deserved it.

maybe it's my turn to escape from everything and everyone now?

like running away from feelings?



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