How to Detail

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A good book HAS to have detail! It's very annoying how you just post a picture of something and don't bother to describe. It's okay if you do both so your readers have a visual and everything. Again this isn't really in the "popular" cliche books just the ones made by people who are new to the wattpad community.

I smiled to my self as I slipped on the sunlit summer dress. It hung low on my bare shoulders, and was a bit snug around my waist. It ended just above my knees and had a golden laced belt around the waist part, along with flower imprints around the collar. I twirled, today was gonna be a great day.


I pulled out a dress and quickly put it on. *insert picture of dress here* I did a quick twirl and ran downstairs for the party.

Notice how example2 gave very little detail and didn't even bother describing how the dress looks. You see I like to form pictures in my head when I'm reading and I'm sure a lot of you do without even noticing it. I can't really do that when you don't even tell me how the dress looks like.

Example1 didn't overload on the detail and didn't give too LESS either. It was pretty good and I could actually form somewhat of a picture in my head.

Now guys don't do this,

I pulled out a white dress that was made with the fur from a polar bear and was exported from Antarctica. It was exactly 30 inches long and took over two months to arrive.

XD Now that's just overloading on the detail and extra information you won't use later and nobody cares about.

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