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                      ~a month later~
Max's POV


"Shhh, she's sleeping" Harvey whispered

We were on the couch watching a movie on Netflix, and it was about 5pm. My friendship with Maya hasn't returned completely to normal, and I'm worried that it will never be the same. Agh.

"Harvey, can I ask you something?" I whispered

No response.

"Harvey?" I turned to my right. He was sleeping.

I turned off the TV and sighed. I got up and walked towards my room, but i stopped, turning around. I guess it was finally time to do something good for my brother. It's time to help him get the girl he deserves.
I walked towards the couch and carefully placed Maya's head on Harvey's lap. Huh, that should work.

Harvey's POV

I slowly open my eyes, yawning. Wait, why is the TV off? And why is Maya on my lap? And what tim... WAIT MAYAS ON MY LAP? HOW? Uhh I don't really know what to do.  I stared at her delicate face, sleeping peacefully. Dude, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. Whitout realizing, i started to run my hands through her brown hair. Shortly after this, she opened her sparkling hazel eyes.

"Good morning, princess" I joked

She giggled, rubbing her eyes. I couldn't stop looking at her. The way she looks at me, her eyes hypnotize me in a way that its practically impossible not to stare.

"What?" she asked, a bit confused.

"Oh" I looked away, unable to contain my smile "It's just that..."

She gave me a "go on" look.

I couldn't find words, so I did what my heart told me to do.

Maya's POV

I was completely unprepared. He leaned in a little closer, our foreheads touching. This is not what I'd thought would happen when I told him to "go on". I was scared. Harvey was  one of my best friends, and just over a month ago i was in a relationship whit his brother. Before i could ponder about it further, he did it. Our lips touched, making the world fall away.  I wanted to pull away before I lost myself but I coudn't seem to... The kiss defeated every thought. For the first time in forever my mind was locked into the present. What happened between me and Max, the lies about Dobby; everything seemed to evaporate from my mind. As we parted I saw his eyes sparkle and lips curve up into a smile. I looked down, blushing.

Harvey's POV

"Maya?" I called her

She looked up. She seemed happy, but a little worried at the same time.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you" I said, grabbing her hand "Ever since the day we met, I can't get you off my mind. Maya, you have absolutely no ideia how much I care about you. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met, both inside and out, and I'll never let anything happen to you.  Whenever I'm with you, it's like no one else exists, like it's just us. I'm in love with your smile, I'm in love with your voice, your laugh, your eyes... Maya Brown, I'm in love with you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Slowly, she seemed to process everything. The feeling of insecurity I felt in her eyes had dissipated. She opened a wide smile, as she came closer.

"Yes, Harvey Mills, I'll be your girlfriend"

The next thing I knew, she had put her arms around my neck and slammed her lips to mine, passionately.

"I love you" I whispered, smiling beetwen the kiss.

Maya's POV

"I love you" Harvey's soft voice reached my ears. Wow. I don't know why, but I remembered my mother's soft voice, whispering that three little words. She used to say this to me every night, before I went to bed, ever since I was a child. I felt my eyes filling with tears as I remembered her.

"I love you too" I whispered back, in a trembling voice. A tear trickled slowly down my cheek, falling into Harvey's hand. He immediately pulled away.

"Maya, why are you crying? What's wrong?" he asked in a worried tone.

"M-my mother... I don't know, I just remembered her" I wiped a tear away.

"Awhh, you know how much I hate seeing you cry" he pulled me into a tight hug "Don't worry, I'll always be here for you"

"And I don't know what I'd do if you weren't" I said, looking deeply into his innocent, hazel eyes.

Without realizing, we were kissing again. This time, more confidently. And man, I swear there were like a thousand butterflies spinning in my stomach while he was slowly pushing me until I reached the couch. My head dipped into the pillow, and so did Harvey's body on mine. He cupped my cheek, as he pressed his warm lips harder against mine. I was stroking his messy brown hair. He smiled, and so did I. I wanted this moment to last forever. Unfortunately, a malicious voice reached my ears, making us pull away:

"There's a room right there, you know"

I turned back to see Max with a nasty smile. He took a sip of his coffee.

We stared at him with a "really?" look.

"By the way, Harvey, Harrison called and asked about you" he said, walking towards the kitchen

"DANG IT, I forgot about our project, I was supposed to be at his house helping him!" Harvey jumped off the sofa.

"It's ok, you can go" I smiled at him and watched as he grabbed his coat and left the house.

Max's POV

I couldn't hold it anymore. As I poured more coffee into the cup, I heard footsteps approaching me.

"Hey, Maya?" I called, turning around

"Huh?" she seemed confused

"Look, I know we've already talked about this, but I want you to know that I am truly sorry for what I did, and I know it was very selfish of me. But I just want our friendship to be normal again. I dont want you to look at me and see that stupid guy, I want you to see a friend that you can trust. I swear, I'm not like that... I don't know what was going on in my mind"

She hesitated for a minute.

"I'll give you a chance" she said as her serious expression curved into a little smile.

"I wont disappoint you, I promise" I stared deeply into her hazel eyes, smiling back.


FINALLY AN UPDATE YAYYY!!! We are really sorry for not posting at all, but we were running out of ideas and we are really busy, but we are going to continue this fanfic, don't worry guyyss 💗 ~annie and mah

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