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A/N: hope u enjoy!!

Tris POV:

Today is the first day of tour! I am so excited. The name of the tour is Yours Truly. The album I'm touring for, Yours Truly, has some songs with Tobias singing with me. He also wrote a world wide hit, "Talk Dirty", and many more.

The first part of the tour is in the U.S.

I wake up in bed with Tobias' arms wrapped round me. I look at the time. It's 6:45. Almost time to wake up so we can get ready and meet my manager at Rokstarr Records.

I softly slap his cheek. He doesn't wake up. I softly kiss his lips. He still isn't awake. I walk to the bathroom and fill a cup with icy cold water. I pour the water on him. He wakes right away and starts chasing me around our 2 story house. I forgot to mention, Tobias is not a morning person.

"Come on get dressed so we can go meet Gustavo, and get on the tour bus." I say. I get dressed in a black lace tank top, black sweats, and black converse. I put on mascara and put my hair in a messy bun. Tobias wears a black shirt, black sweats, and black vans. We normally match.

We walk out the door, and get in Carla. Yes I still have her after all these years and it's still works perfectly and still is awesome.

I start the car and start driving. Then, I turn to 99.1. They Tobias' song,"Talk Dirty". He gives me a look.

"My dancing was awesome in the video huh? And you weren't jealous with all the girls I'm with the video right?" he says.
"Your dancing was pretty good and I'm not even going to answer the last part."
"Are you jelly?" he says like a FOUR year old.
"Shut the fuck up retard." I say smiling.
He puts his heart over his chest pretending to be hurt."You hurt me Trissy."
"You're lucky I'm driving. Otherwise I would've gone Sharkeisha on you." I say. He looks scared since he knows what I'm capable of. The rest of the ride is silent except for me softly singing "Talk Dirty".

We arrive at the studio and see Gustavo. "Come on guys. Get in the bus and Carla will be driven back home for you by your brother Caleb." he says and I nod.

We enter the bus. It is beautiful. It has a flat screen, Xbox one, beds, Just Dance 2014... I was in heaven period.

The bus driver started driving in about 5 minutes. We walk over to a table and start talking about tour.

The first concert is in Pasadena,California. Which is a long way from Chicago. I get tired and go to bed in Tobias's arms.

A/N: it's 11:40 pm here in California USA bye and remember to always.....


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