Carnival day xxx

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Harry's P.O.V

"So what do you want to go on first?" Niall was like a kid in a candy store! So I pointed to the candy floss cart to get rid of him. He was faster than Usane Bolt!

"I want to go on the teapots!" I said very sarcastically.

"Heyyyy, WHATS WRONG WITH THE TEAPOTS???!!!???!!!" Niall came back, stuffing his face with candy floss.

"Nothing, nothing. Don't take a hissy fit, pleeeaaassseee!!!" I put my hands together begging sarcastically and made Bobbie laugh but I can tell you that Niall did not. He was wearing a poker straight face. I looked at Liam and gave him a 'seriously' face.

"We'll I don't know about you guys but I want to go on the biggest ride there is!" Bobbie looked to the terror mountain run then back at me with a creepy smile.

I nodded then we went in a cart for 3 so Zayn was stuck with Niall because Liam didn't want to go on it. What a wussy! And Louis came on with us.

Bobbie's P.O.V

I was in a cart with Harry and Louis, which I didn't mind, and we were going on the scariest ride and the ride with the biggest drop!

"I think this was a bad idea guys, I could hear Zayn in the cart behind us and then I heard Louis say "come on man, Jenny and Shelby and more brave than you!"

I asked Harry who that were and he said that Jenny was his little sister and Shelby was his girlfriend and they were like best friends. Don't ask me how that happened, I have no idea.

"Here we goooooooooooooooo!!!" I felt Harry grabbing my hand as we went up the steep slope, I didn't really care but I think it was a bit awkward.

"Sorry!" He swiftly let go of my hand then we felt a thud on the tracks!

"Attention, thee has been some technical difficulties with our machinery right now. Please stay calm and we will have this fixed in no time." I heard a voice from down below say.

"So I think we might be out here for a while, tell me something about yourself." Well I didn't know what to say so I decided to describe a picture I was given of my mum.

I take out a picture of her out o my pocket and then stare down at it "My mum had dark brown hair and blue eyes, I can't make out the letters of her name on the back of the paper, but I think it begins with an A. Of course this picture was taken ages ago when she was a teen so I don't know how old she would be now."

They are both staring at me when the ride starts to move again and the price of paper slips out of my hand then falls into the kart behind. Zayn picks it up then looks confused,"is this a picture of your mum?" He asks.

"Yeah." I replied looking at him with a 'duh' look.

"Oh, I was talking to Harry. It looks like Anne."

Harry's P.O.V

I grabbed the picture off of Zayn, then looked at it intently. I could feel the eyes on me so I looked up and there was Bobbie, Zayn, Louis and Niall staring at me as if I was naked or had something on my face!

2 seconds later was the biggest drop of the ride and I handed the picture back to Bobbie before I dropped it but I want thinking about the ride, I was thinking about how much that resembled mum mum.

Was that my mum, or just someone who looked like her? That's all I could think about on the way home.

Authors note xxx

Sorry for the short chapters but there will be a lot of them so don't worry. Thanks for reading and the next chapter will be posted soon xxx

Jenmore xxx

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