Something wrong with my inner things

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You know , we humans are gifted with great instinct and reflexes. We confront and adapt to what comes in our way. Be it physically or  mentally. I mean though different people have different needs and wants , but either of them is there.

And so I conclude something is SERIOUSLY wrong with me !!! As much as I thought I loved sex, the more my body is opposing it now.

Its almost dawn and I am here at the hotel room locked up naked. I have almost tried having sex with 5 men including womanizers who know how to pleasure women but instead , from their touch , my body kinda sleeps . I feel no pleasure,  neither pain.  All o end up doing is getting them off me and wasting my dollars over nothing.


Wait... Carl pleasured me last night , and I was all right , feeling every inch of pleasure.

WHAT DID HE DO TO ME ??? !!! MY BODY ........OMG ....

I zoomed my car to Carl's office storming in his cabin , ignoring the voices calling me. Just as I am about to knock , I have this shiver running down my spine.

Jeez!! I never thought about how Carl will react to know that I tried sleeping with 6 men.

OK...cut the crap , the point is he's down something to my body, something as in it could be a STD !!! Some wolf  STD maybe !!!!!!!!! Nah .....  Hell no... My body isn't responding to human pleasure .....shit , !!!!

I without thinking and wasting another second storm into his cabin to find him working. He was put on his guard as soon as I came in.

“Why is that you have to barge into my office like that? ” he questioned me without giving a glance.

“You have transmitted me some god dammit Werewolf STD!!!!” I almost shouted.

He looks at me with confused expression “Werewolf STD ??? Now where did that come
from ?" He continued.

“I can't feel anything..... I mean... I ....." I stammered and then stopped. I was framing the sentence so that it doesn't come out that bad , but instead it turns out to be even worse. “I you know tried sleeping with 6 or maybe 5 men but I couldn't ...!” I murmured.

He looked at me with wide eyes as if I confessed that I was a lesbian !!!!

“you...what??" He asked me in disbelief. I couldn't answer anymore and just shrugged.

After moments of silence hr got up and came forward leaning on his desk.

“Did you just say that you slept--”

“Tried ” I interrupted .

“Yay , tried sleeping with 6 men in just 9 hours.!!" He asked astonished.

“The question is that all of them ....tou....touched me but I couldn't feel anything , feel as in pleasure . it was just as if a random touch on wrong place and every time I felt something, my inner self resisted it. " I spoke shaking a bit.

He looked at me with mundane look . “So , how am I related to that ? Why are you telling
me ? ” he asked backing to his seat and opening his laptop.

Is he insane ??? Doesn't he care !!! I mean he's so cool about it all .....Dude I am ......ugh!!!

“Look , you slept with me last night and until then I was OK and could be easy seduced by any man and now this morning I feel nothing."  I banged his desk making him look up.
He came forward , looking at me. I backed and then stopped. His arms were around my waist and suddenly his hands ran from my hair to my lips and then down my breast making me squirm .

“Do you still feel nothing." He whispered . And as soon as his hands reached my a** gripping them , my core started throbbing with need , literally out of no where.

Shit!!! This didn't happen with other 6 men !!!!!!

His hands went down my legs lifting me up and putting me down on his desk. He positioned himself between my legs and I sucked my neck. A moan escaped and eyes closed.

“Are you not feeling seduced?" He questioned . I felt him smiling as another moan escaped my mouth making me wet. He could smell it I guess.

“I am guessing that no one besides me can help you , help as in satisfy you . ” he smirked leaving me wanting him even more.

He stared me with those dark eyes full of lust. 

“I swear I had 6 men over me , my something inside of me resisted it although my body was enjoying it.” I murmured to myself.

He sighed and shut down his laptop , packing his stuff.

We drove home in silence. It was killing me. I tried to diver my mind. I was incoherent about what was wrong with me. I felt I was moonstruck , and the worst part was that it wasn't for love but lust.

My life had changed so much in these years.

I had made out with a werewolf , I was then thrown out of my office , then I found that I loved some unnatural creature who after two years hunted me down to prove the point that he loved me. And now this scene , I can't even process it.

Hey Guys I had to mkae srue taht you raed tihs !!!

Sorry if you couldn't understand , but let's cone to the point , this is a short chapter and had to be because there is a leap of a month and half , ( in life of Carl and edna )

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