Chapter 3

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'What the!'

I can't feel my hands and feet in the freaking morning just to found myself tied up...again. I tried to search the owner of this red string and successful found him sitting infront of my bed.

"Not this again Jungkook! I will punch you when I get this out" I angrily said to him. Which he laughed.

"I just trying the position that I found in the book I borrow. Be cooperative just for once"he snapped his fingers and just a blink a book appeared, laying on his hand.

"Be cooperative just for once?! You didn't ask my permission for all you did! You just tied me up while I was sleeping. Your know what? Your just a psycho freak that suddenly appeared in my bedroom and annoyed the hell out of me!!." I angrily yell at him.He didn't say anything, he just crawl towards me and cupped my cheeks with his hand.

"Sorry Tae, When the moment I shared my string to you I felt a sudden excitement. I can't control my feelings to you mostly when you are sleeping. Your a squishy thing I want to keep forever" I blushed at what he said. I dont have any idea what magic he put into me,a few minutes early I was angry at him and then the next thing I know I was freaking blushing at him!! What the heck!

Don't worry Its because of the redstring.

"Can we please stop this drama? And untie me" He slowly nod and the redstring is gone,out of my body.

I stretched and got out of my bed. I know his looking at me but I ignored his stare and walked to the kitchen.

Still ignoring him I reached the cereals at the cupboard and swiftly grab a bowl. I noticed him sitting in one of the chair and still looking at me. Its getting uncomfortable for me so I looked at him and glare. He quickly looked away and pretending to be amazed at the fruits perfectly sat at the center of the table.

"You look like stupid doing that"I blurted out. He fake cough and quickly look at me. " And your going to be late if you like staying in that position." My eyes widen at what he said. Oh no! Not again.

As quickly as possible, I showered,changed,and grabbed my bag. I didn't have a chance to glance him and dashed to the school. And if your asking how far is the school its 30 minutes walk from my house(apartment). right now I have 10 minutes left. How Lucky am I.

I made my way to the school gates and ran to my class and like déjà vu, The Teacher is nowhere to be seen.

"Tae!" I looked to the owner of the voice and found Hoseok already sat at his desk,waving at me. I shudder at the feeling passed through me.

I quickly walk towards him and sat at my desk. I narrowed my eyes at him,checking him out. He seems normal to me. I let out a sigh of relief.

"You okay?"He asked concern. I nodded,still not comfortable to be chit chatting him when last night events happened. He open his mouth as if he want to say to me but hesitate and closed his mouth.

"Say what you want to say to me. Your not like you if you bubbled it up and regret later" He sigh and bit his lips. His eyes travel around the classroom but me. I glared him, waiting him to speak up.

He seems to get the signal.

"I don't know but I feel my dream is true. Did I go to your house last night?" My eyes widen at what he said. Don't tell me the Jerk didn't erase Hoseok's memory last night!?

"A-ahm No-no You didn't come to my house" Because I was nervous I shuttered, and I feel my heart beating rapidly. He seems not convinced but shrug.

"Okay must be a dream" He mumbled but I still hear it. A knocked snapped us from our conversation and I quickly turned to the door and saw our Teacher with a muscular boy but cute face.

"Okay Class sorry for being late. I had a meeting to attend to. And I would like you to meet your new classmate. Come on introduce yourself."He smiled to the boy and pushed him slightly to the center.

"Hi I'm Park Jimin nice to meet you all" he bowed and smiled. All the girls awed and all the boys scoff. Typical.

"Jimin sit beside Hoseok, Hoseok raise your hand" Hoseok raised his hand and our new classmate,which named Park Jimin walked towards the sit beside Hoseok.

Suddenly Jimin turned his head to me and glare. I gulped and unconsciously dragged my seat backward.

What's with this Jimin guy and he seems hate me? I didn't do anything wrong.

The bell rung. All my classmate gather their stuff and quickly left the room with a speed. They're really hate this class. After I gather my stuff and put it into my bag. I pat Hoseok's shoulder who still organizing his books and look at me.

I looked around, ensuring he isn't here and leaned forward to Hoseok's ear. I noticed a pink tint spreading on his cheeks. I ignored it and whisper into his ear.

"Did you saw Jimin glaring at me. It's so freaking scary I swear dude he's weird." I shudder at the thought of Jimin glaring at me. He shrugged and we start walking.

"Yeah, but I think he knows you and you did something that angered him" I dig my mind that anything Jimin related but found none. I shook my head.

"I didn't do anything and this is the first time I met Jimin." But this Jimin guy. His aura is so intimidating, just like Jungkook.

Speaking of Jungkook, Even though his scary because his a 'god' the precence of him makes me more relax and safe.

Wait? What?!

Its the redstring thing.

We part ways, me in History class and him in PE. As I walk to the History, I notice Jimin stood beside the lockers leaning against the wall.

I stop my tracks and look at him,curiously. He push his body out of the wall and walk to me. I stepback, ready to run if he do anything wrong to me.

When he stood infront of me he look at me. I gulp a lump at my throat. How could be a cute boy be scary?

"So your the one he chose" He speak bitter in his voice. He look at me up and down. He's checking me out!

He mumbled something I couldn't hear but I choose to ignore it and look at him.

"What do you mean he chose? I dont know you and the 'he' your saying" I said angrily. I decide to leave him and starting to walk but a hand grab my shoulder.

"Jungkook" And then he left. I stood there watching his retreating form,stunned. He know Jungkook? Who is he?

I think my head will break to all this thoughts running in my mind. I tried to shrug my thinking mind and made my way to my class.


Sorry for not updating. Its just school just started and even though its just only starting, we already have many assignments. Student life.

So Jimin is here now!! I hope you like this story

Plsss... I need your votes and comment your thoughts.

Thank you


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