Jays Death (Yep...)

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You could say "WHAT DA CUPCAKES?! JAYS DEATH?!?!" But I got a random idea about what Jays death would be like while listening to Taylor Swift. (Weird, I know.) Warning, some blood, bleh bleh, violence, bleh. Enjoy!


*Battle with Nindroids. Epicness and all that stuff.*

Jay almost planted a kick on the Nindroids chest, but it grabed his leg, and stabbed its axe thing in  his chest. Jay screamed out in pain, and fell on the ground. His vision was going blury, and he could make the faint outline of the Nindroid, raising his axe up. "Jay!" Nyas faint yell came, and kicked the Nindroid. She leaned down to him. "Jay, can you hear me?!" She asked desperately. Jay did a small nod, but groaned. Blood poured out of his chest, and the pain was like nothing ever that he had felt. Even though the Nindroids were retreating, Jay was still injured.

Nya held him and leaned him against a near-by boulder. "Jay, say something!" Nya said. "Something..." Jay said, his face screwed up in pain. Nya touched his wound softly, and Jay let out a howl as a sudden shock of pain went through his body. Nya jerked her hand away, some blood on her finger-tips. "Sorry!" She said, but held his hand. "I-I'm gonna die, ar-aren't I?" Jay asked. "No, your not!" Nya cried. "I am. I know it." Jay whispered. "Were too far away from any help to heal me, and were in the middle of a desert for crying out loud. I'm gonna die."

"Don't say that!" Nya cried, tears streaming down her cheek. "Nya? Whats happening?" Kai asked, walking over with Cole and Zane at his side. "Oh! Jay! We have to-" Kai began. "Don't" Jay said. "I'm not w-worth it." "Yes you are!" Cole said, an d knelt down to pick him up. "Please Cole, I-I need to say something to you all." Jay said. Cole stopped, but walked to an abandoned thing and found a random blanket and covered Jays wound.

"My life has changed so much since I've meet you all." Jay whispered. "You've all effected it differently, but all in a good way. I-I wish I could always stay here, and live happily. I w-wish I had been more of u-use..." "You've been a big help, brother!" Zane said. "L-Let me finish..." Jay said. "I've caused some problems in the past, please forgive me for them. But you've all done so much for me. You've saved my life more than I can count, I've been happier than I ever was traveling around, meeting new people and going on adventures. Do m-me a favor, and make sure Ninjago s-stays safe guys." Jay said, raising a hand weakly. The other three ninja did thumbs up, all having teary eyes. Jay returned the thumbs-up, and smiled.

"Nya..." He turned to Nya, and smiled. Nyas eyes were fogged with tears, her hand tightly griping Jays hand. "You've been the biggest blessing of my life. You've been so kind to me, and loved me. I h-hope you know I loved you s-so much." "Oh, Jay..." Nya cried. "I-I'm not done!" Jay said. "Your smile sparkles. When you look at me, I feel like I could do more for an angel like you. Like you don't deserve a guy like me." Nay kissed his cheek lightly. "I'll love you forever, Jay. I promise..." Nya whispered. "You defiantly didn't need my help to defend r." Jay chuckled. "and you sure had me when you said you were the samurai!" He chuckled. "But I need to say..I was enchanted to meet you, Nya. Your kindness soothed me, your smile was so sweet. Your passion to defend others and help inspired me. I was s-so enchanted to meet you. If a guy ever gets you, their the luckiet guy ever to be able to fall in love with you." Jay pulled Nyas hand to his lips, and kissed her hand. "I-I am so enchanted t-to me-meet you." Jay smiled, and laughed quietly. Nyas cheeks were streaming with tears, and her eyes were red. "W-Why are you laughing? This is y-your death!" Nya cried. Jay looked up at her, eyes sparkling with pleasure. "O-Oh Nya, this i-isn't my ending. Stories never e-end. Wh-Where ever I go, I'll wait for you. I-I'll always w-wait for y-you, my love. My princess, my queen." Jay said, smiling happily mixed with pain. His eyes were slowly going dull, and skin becoming whiter. "Jay, don't go!" Nya cried, tears streaming like a water-fall. "I w-was e-enchanted t-to meet y-you, Nya....I l-love you....w-wait for me...." Jay whispered, and gripped Nyas hand tightly. "This is good-bye..." Cole said, a tear streaming down his face. "No Cole..." Jay whispered. "It's a new hello.....w-with a new beginning...." Jay coughed, and his hand slowly became lifeless.

"N-No....No...NO!!!" Nya screamed, tightly gripping Jays lifeless hand. "D-Don't go! Please! I can't lose you!!" She cried, and hugged the now dead body. She held on for as long as she could, Jays blood now smeared on her clothes, but Nya didn't care. "Don't go..." She whispered, tears landing on Jays chest. "Nya, we can't help him..." Kai said quietly, fists clenched. Nya didn't speak, but slowly let go, staring into Jays dull eyes. They still seemed to sparkle, his mouth smiling happily. 'A new beginning....' His voice echoed in her head. "I'll wait for you..." Nya said softly. "I-I love you...I love you..." She stroked his orange hair, a smile now on her face. "I love you..." She whispered.


Did anyone else cry? I did. T-T Comment if you cried! Don't be shy...I know you cried! Come on, you cried, I know it! ;)

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