Chapter 19: Meltdown

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The door to Mario's flew open as Luna stormed outside, Will was hot on her heels, trying to grab hold of her flailing arms as she yelled at her sister. Twyla was standing in the parking lot, her thumbs hooked in the pockets of her jeans as she leaned against her motorbike. Xavier stood beside her, his crimson eyes flickering between the two Goodwin girls at an inhuman pace. Less than two minutes ago, all of them had been standing inside Mario's as Twyla and Luna stood face to face in an insufferable silence. Luna was too shocked at first to register what her sister had said. She didn't expect Twyla to come after her, in fact, she had been hoping Twyla would stay home and just accidentally get lost in their cellar. It would be that much easier to convince herself that she simply hallucinated the whole thing. After the initial shock wore off though, and she heard her sister's claims that Will had no place in this mess, she was furious. Who was Twyla to dictate her life? Will was the only piece of her old life that she had left, he was the one thing that reminded her what sanity was like. If he too were to disappear, there would be nothing left for her.

"You're mad," said Twyla.

"No duh! You do not get to dictate what I do," Luna tried to charge at her twin but Will held her back.

"I'm not dictating what you can or cannot do, to be completely honest I don't give a damn. But for one, I'd appreciate if you would at least tell me that you're leaving so I don't assume you were kidnapped by them. And there's no way in hell you're dragging your mortal boyfriend into this, he'll get killed!" Twyla's nostrils flared like an angry bull as her eyes narrowed into slits. Her previously silver eyes, looked even more so like diamonds with the bright neon lights of Mario's pizzeria shining in them.

"Is that really how bad this is?" Will asked, mostly to himself. His eyes lingered on Luna's face, trying to gauge her expression. Luna's face hardened into a stone mask, her lips settled into a thin line as her brows furrowed. Logically, she knew that Twyla was right and yet she continued to hold onto Will for dear life.

"If you consider murderous, kidnapping psychos with a taste for good literature bad then yes, this is very bad," said Xavier.

Will glanced over at the dark and mysterious giant who was lounging beside Twyla. There was a certain dark aura that lingered around the man, and that unnerved Will. He couldn't see much of him in the limited light of the night sky but he could see the massive outline of his body. Despite the way he spoke with an almost jovial tone, there was an underlying sinister feeling to him.

"I don't think we've met," Will held out his hand.

"No, I'm Xavier, I just got in town last night." A steady smile crawled onto Xavier's face as his large, ice cold hand swallowed Will's into a death grip.

"And how do you know Twyla, if you don't mind me asking?" Will pulled his hand away, in fear that Xavier might have broken a bone or two.

"Ugh, I so do not have the time for this. Listen Billyboy, the point is I'm gonna need you to scram, you and Luna can go back to your puppy love after this over."

"You mean if this is ever over. You don't know if we'll live. They took three experienced witches-"

Twyla interjected, "Two and a half."

"Without any problems, what's to stop them from just grabbing us out of nowhere and killing us!"

Slapping a hand over her sister's mouth, Twyla pulled Luna out of Will's grasp and glared at her. "I'm going to need you to speak quietly, or don't speak at all." Standing on the porch of Mario's a group of teenagers fell hush as they stared at the two sisters. Their interest was of course piqued after hearing the notorious Luna Goodwin yelling about murder. It was news that would surely take less than an hour to spread around town. Glancing around, Luna noticed all of those who were paying attention to what she was saying. Her heart stuttered in her chest, knowing full well how crazy she sounded and how easily that could ruin her.

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