Chapter 22: I'll Be Waiting

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Xavier threw Leo to the floor as he watched Twyla's body begin to shake, and then convulse. Her glare never faltered from her Uncle, as the walls of his house began to shudder. Grabbing her by the waist, Xavier ignored the punches and kicks and shouting, until they were safely outside of the house, where the roof could not cave in on their heads. It would take a lot more than a collapsing roof to kill him, but Will and maybe even Luna and Twyla would not be able to survive that blow. His vampire brain worked much faster than the other three and though the news of Twyla and Luna's divine identities was rather shocking, he wasn't phased. Twyla was too powerful to be just another witch and Luna, though a novice to magic, was equally terrifying.

From the corner of his eye he saw Will rush a very pale looking Luna out of the house. Xavier cringed, remembering the last time she looked like that, she started to spew pizza chunks on the ground. The revolting smell didn't leave his supernaturally advanced nose until just recently and he really didn't want it come back. Keeping Twyla secured in his arms, he took a step back from Will and Luna. Twyla had stopped fighting him, her arms laid slack by her sides, her legs were just barely supporting as he tried to stand her upright.

"Something's wrong," said Will. He was standing in front of Luna, holding her up by her arms. Her sapphire eyes were diluted by a strange, milky substance, if Will didn't know any better he would have thought she was blind. But that couldn't be, only seconds ago, her eyes were fine. They were glistening with unshed tears but besides that, they were fine.

"Whatever do you mean?" Xavier rolled his eyes, "It's not like they just found out their whole life was a lie."

"Not that!" Will's ears turned red with rage. Turning to look at Twyla, he saw that her usually silver eyes had turned also turned a milky white color. "There's something wrong with their eyes. I don't think they're even conscious."

Spinning Twyla's body around to face him, Xavier's crimson eyes widened like cherry pies- she looked to be completely lifeless, like a rag doll. Cradling her body in one arm, he placed his, cold, dead hand on her cheek. She didn't flinch at the close contact or the severe contrast in temperature. The only thing that kept Xavier from assuming she was dead, was the healthy beat of her heart that pulsed within her chest.

"Twyla!" Xavier tried to shake her awake but she remained a prisoner to her own mind.

A random slew of syllables and sounds that didn't sound like any language he knew, escaped her mouth in between breaths. The amulet she wore around her neck began to glow, the light started off as a soft shimmering and then turned blinding. Witches and their damn jewlery. Everything they owned from a small ring to an elaborate headdress was laced with magic- he didn't understand the need, there was nothing with just having a decorative item that didn't repel demons or create fire.

"Ah!" Will yelled, nearly dropping Luna in the midst. "Don't try to take off the necklace, it'll shock you."

"Of course not. I'm not stupid."

Will tried to look as offended as he felt, but he just ended up looking constipated with all the squinting. Luna's sapphire gem was emitting a bright blue light, much like Twyla's. He had hoped that by removing the necklace, Luna would wake up but whatever witchy-mojo was in that necklace, it didn't want her to wake up just yet.

"Listen rule number two while dealing with witches, is never touch a witch's things. Ever. It doesn't matter if it's even a napkin." There was a haunted gleam in Xavier's eyes as if he spoke from experience.

"What's rule number one?" Will was now cradling Luna in his arms like a baby.

He walked her over to her car, almost tripping once or twice and laid her down in the back seat. He didn't close the door, just in case anything happened. Anything meaning if she suddenly became hurt or if one of the Delphi, decided to attack again. A haggard look overtook his face as he leaned against the car, his head was tilted towards the sky. He was used to the idea of protecting Luna, it was something he did since kindergarten when Lily Claremont threw sand in her face. But standing up to a five year-old bully was a lot different than standing up to psychotic warlocks.

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