Chapter Seven

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tae is lowkey jelly ohohohohohoho and yayy alpha jeon !!


The next morning, there was a loud knocking at the door. Palming his hand over his face and rubbing it, Jeongguk slowly picked himself up. I must look like a mess. He had passed out after his, what, thirteenth erection? He wasn't so sure. The ground was littered with clothes, mostly belonging to Taehyung, but luckily nothing was broken.

"Jeongguk-ah, can you hear me? I want to see you," the owner of the pounding at the door called out. Oh, it was Namjoon. "Y-yeah, I can hear you. Wait, I need to clean up first and wash up. Can you come back later in an hour or so?"

He heard an 'okay' resonating from the other side of his room's door, finally opting to fix his scattered pieces of clothing. They still smelled the same since Jeongguk didn't spill his seeds on them once, fearing what would happen if Taehyung threw open his suitcase and smelled the strong scent of sex emitting from his hoodies.

Picking up the clothing and placing them into the utmost bottom part of his luggage, he grabbed a spare outfit and went to shower. The cold water glistening down his skin felt lovely against the heat he experienced from his rut yesterday. Wanting to rid himself of any traces of a sex scent, he washed his hair thoroughly using shampoo, washing the product out and scrubbing his brown locks with ease. After wiping his eyes with a towel, he proceeded to cleanse himself using body wash, knowing that his rut scent probably still wouldn't completely go away.

Finally he was finished, stepping out and wiping his body down with a larger towel. Jeongguk stared at his reflection in the wall mirror, noticing his features were very much different, yet he still looked like his old self. He had grown at least a foot taller, making his height exceed over six feet. The ceiling was actually a lot closer now, perks of shifting. Even though he was already very fit and muscular before, his biceps and impressive build were even more accentuated. His face seemed to have grown into his used-to-be-big nose that was more defined than ever before. He now had a jawline there that was sharp enough to cut diamonds and the only part of his face that remained the same were his eyes, except they appeared to be much smokier-looking and held a teasing glint in them.

Satisfied with his change, he smirked, wading himself in the feeling of his current confidence boost. Changing into his fresh outfit, his white t-shirt was a bit too tight on his frame. Fuck, I need to buy clothes when I get back. He dug through his drawer and found a pair of jeans that surprisingly fit him nicely, slipping his legs through them and throwing a sweater on to replace the t-shirt. The time displayed on his phone was 7 AM, two hours until the designated bus time.

Jeongguk packed up his things in a record of fifteen minutes, making sure the room was decent-looking and not like it was ravished during his rut. Hearing a knock on his door again, he made his way over to open it. Standing there was Jimin, who scrunched his face up at the still-prominent smell of sex wading from Jeongguk.

"Ugh, you smell gross," he said, crossing his arms. He stared up at the younger, eyes seeming quite pleased with Jeongguk's appearance. "Hmm, shifting did you good. Wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of omegas and betas clung onto you. Well congratulations, alpha. We can go buy a cake later. Did you pack up yet?" Jeongguk blinked his eyes, stomach rumbling from not eating for hours.

"Yeah, I'm done. Can we go grab some breakfast?" he asked while pouting and rubbing his stomach. Jimin laughed at the younger's cuteness. "Sure. There's a buffet happening at the cafeteria. You need to grab your things though, we can't come back after since the train will leave by then."

"Okay hyung. Wait, I haven't texted Tae that I shifted yet," Jeongguk said, just realizing it now. Jimin sighed. "Do it later, we don't have much time on our hands."

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