Chapter Ten

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if u guys are sensitive to non-con or lowkey rape then you should read with caution, but dw tae doesnt actually get rape-raped in this chapter


University life took some time to get used to, but overall, nothing seemed bad. Taehyung would happily skip around the buildings, there would be Jeongguk accompanying him of course, and he'd also spend his time at the cafe down the campus that he enjoyed dearly, especially when it came to stress-eating or writing papers that would be due the following morning. You could easily spot him there grabbing a pastry and a caramel macchiato, chatting and making new acquaintances. He was instantly deemed the title as the sweetheart at SNU because of how genuinely friendly and considerate he was towards others. Although, sometimes he'd be too nice in Jeongguk's eyes. I mean, if a random student went up to him to get his number, who would he be to not oblige with their request?

Yeah, that was the problem.

Every day there would be small pieces of crumpled paper in the pocket of his jeans or jackets. They would fill up the entirety of the crevices day and night, Taehyung losing track of how many numbers he had received after counting up to fourteen. Jeongguk at first didn't really think much of it, shrugging it off as the fact that Taehyung was making friends of his own status, but then when he caught a few scents of alpha lingering on Taehyung's clothing, he didn't hesitate to confront him.

"Tae, what are these?" Jeongguk exclaimed, slips of papers with numbers on them squeezed into the palm of his hand. Glaring at the omega, he stood there silently with his arms crossed, waiting for an answer. Taehyung gulped. Why does he look so annoyed?

"Umm, they're slips of paper obviously," he answered innocently, not a tinge of guilt in his tone. Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows, looking even more irritated than before with the answer he was given. Throwing them onto the floor in disappointment, he snapped. "No, these are the numbers of people you don't even know! Some of these are from alphas Taehyung." Taehyung blinked once. Twice.

"I thought they were just being friendly Gukkie? Why are you getting so upset over nothing?" Taehyung replied, beginning to grow angry at the alpha towering over him. Jeongguk shook his head in disbelief, a sarcastic smile popping up on his face. "What? Me get annoyed over nothing? This isn't nothing Tae, they can take easily take advantage of you."

Taehyung couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I know I may be an omega and you may think of me as weak, but I have my own instincts that I can trust, okay? I don't need you looking after me twenty four hours every day if you can only see me as a fucking doll. Not all omegas are fucking pushovers Jeongguk." Jeongguk snorted. "I never even saw you as weak or a pushover, I was just trying to do what was right, but since you clearly don't want me looking after your wellbeing, I won't anymore Taehyung."

And with one last huff and cold stare, he opened the door to Taehyung's dorm and slammed it shut.

Taehyung stared after the door, hearing the thudding of Jeongguk's heavy footsteps padding away. His heart was hurting from the inside due to how anguished the other seemed, a tear rolling down his cheek. Rubbing his hoodie's sleeve against his eyes, he tried his hardest to prevent himself from sniffling and crying even more. "What an asshole..," he muttered, unshed tears threatening to streak down his face.

But no, he didn't need Jeongguk, he knew that no alphas would treat him harmfully in any way. He knew his friend was just overprotective of him and his safety, but that didn't mean that he had to get so pissed off like that. Standing like a fool made his conflict seem even more intolerable. I'll go take a shower.


"Hey Jimin, I'm heading off to the library. I'll be back in a few," Taehyung told Jimin who was busy studying for one of his exams. Worksheets and outlines were scattered all around him on his side of the room, Jimin appearing to be a tiny bug surrounded by grass. Cups of coffee were also littered onto the ground, haphazardly creating a mess as none of them were in the trashcan. Peering up at his roommate stationed near the doorway, Jimin propped his circular glasses back up on his nose and made an airy sound. Pressing the tips of his fingers against the binding of his textbooks, he said, "All right, just don't come home too late."

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