I know that I haven't been on in forever, and there is a reason for that. I'm sorry. I have a message and some art for all of you.
First off, i really don't feel like going through 452 notifications right now, so if you have something important that you want me to see, please comment it here.
Second, summer is coming, so I will have more free time, so hopefully I can be on here more.Third, in really sorry I haven't been on lately, I reached 100 followers and it took HappyBubbles203 pointing it out for me to notice. I know that I told you that I would be on during spring break but I never got around to it.i am SO SORRY THAT I LET YOY DOWN!
Fourth, it turns out that I can draw Steven Universe characters pretty well, so comment if you want me to draw you one.
Fifth, let anyone who doesn't read my art book, but reads my other stories see this please. Thank you.
Sixth, I promised you art, so, I have a Lapis Lazuli and a Steven Universe WIP.
I just need to finish the coloring
Random"Art is what you can get away with" Honestly, why are you here? I think my art is crap, but other people like it? What? There is no logic in that! Eh.. whatever. Look if you want. ALL ART IN THIS BOOK, UNLESS LABELED AS OTHERWISE, IS MINE! If you wo...