"Good Morning Graham. I hope you remember me?" the doctor offered him a concerned smile.

Graham nodded in response, throat too parched to speak, even after gulping a cup of water after waking up.

Amy was gone. Mother was gone.

It all felt really surreal to Graham.

Am I mental?  his own mind plagued him.

"Do you want to know why you are here?" without waiting for his response, the doctor handed him a file.

'Patient 432: GRAHAM MCARTHY' it said on top.

"Go on. Open it. It has answers to most of your questions. The rest I hope you will regain enough memory to explain to me too." Dr. Grayson encouraged him.

"I-I-I am too scared to know." Graham stutteringly admitted. The pink walls of the room seem to be closing in on him. Graham braced for contact anytime soon.

"But if you don't know, you won't understand why you are here, and what your future can be." the doctor answered, unaware of the trauma unloaded onto the boy's shoulders.

"Future?", Graham laughed, hysterically. "You think I can have a future?"

"I promise to help you in anyway possible. Just read your file, please!"

 Just read your file, please!"

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Graham read the first newspaper clipping in complete silence.

"The rest is torn neatly." Graham observed, numbly.

"That's how we received it from the rehab centre."

"Rehab centre?"

"Yes. You'll find the details enclosed next."


Sunshine Rehabilitation Centre

Name: Graham McCarthy

Gender: Male

Age: 11

DOB: 08/07/2001

Blood Group: O+ve

Patient ID: C17154

Narcotic Addicted to: Cocaine

Allergies(if any): Peanuts

Parent/Guardian: Hector Morris

Contact no. of parent/guardian: 90015413478

Notes: Patient found at the scene of crime of his mother's and sister's murder. Might require psychiatric sessions. Recommendation: Don't to put him in isolation. Let him stay with the general group and try befriending the others.


"Do you notice the name and number of your parent or guardian listed there?" Graham nodded at the doctor's question.

"Is he your father?" she asked him.

"I-uh I don't remember it." Graham scowled at his own lack of memories.

"We have tried calling that number a few times, but the number doesn't go."

Suddenly, many images flashed like lightning across Graham's mind. 

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