Life's a Dance

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Cas nodded, feeling a bit relieved that he wasn't being judged or anything. He had yet much to learn but for now he was just going to embrace the hunter his heart, body, and soul had been craving. He moved over to where Dean was and grabbed his face, smashing their lips together. This was the one of the few occasions where Cas didn't need to be an expert in the field to feel satisfied. Dean returned the kiss, his hand resting on Castiel's waist as he did. He loved the angel's kiss so much, it was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. He didn't really know how to deal with and process his emotions, but Cas made him feel whole. Without Castiel, he was nothing but an empty shell of himself. Dean needed Castiel just as much as Castiel needed Dean.
Castiel only broke the kiss because he figured Dean would need some air. His arms wrapped on Dean, and his head on the hunter's shoulder. He could get used to this. "I love you, Dean." Castiel whispered softly, almost too soft for Dean to hear him say it. Dean panted softly and a small smile came over his features at Castiel's actions. Dean wrapped an arm around him as well as running his fingers through Castiel's hair gently before whispering in his ear, "I love you too, ya big sap."
Castiel huffed slightly, "I'm not a 'big sap' as you call me," he rebutted, "I'm just mildly romantic. As Sam says." He smiled nevertheless, Cas was glad Dean couldn't see that.
"Nah, you're a big sap." Dean stated, hugging Cas tightly before pulling away, "Sammy still won't be home for a few more days."
He rolled his eyes and shook his head but a smile was still playing on his lips. "What do you suggest we do?" Cas raised an eyebrow and smirked, genuinely intrigued. "Wanna head out to the diner?" Dean offered, not really sure about what to do. Romance wasn't really his forte. Thousands upon millions upon billions of years and no one had ever asked Castiel out, the man was doomed to comply to the righteous man. But he didn't mind it in the very least, he cherished it. Dean smiled when Cas accepted and stuffed his hand in his pocket for his keys before leading Cas out to the Impala. What the hell. Dean's life is too short to waste it by over thinking. That's what Castiel thought before grabbing Dean's hand and intertwining their fingers. Dean cleared his throat slightly, turned his head to hide his soft blush as he held Castiel's hand. This was new.
Castiel smiled exuberantly. He was holding Dean Winchester's hand and there was nothing that could describe how amazing it felt. Castiel lifted his head up high and held it proudly. Dean smiled fondly at Castiel, the fact that the angel was so proud to be with him almost brought a tear to his eye, but he blinked it away and opened the car door for him. "You get shotgun." Dean stated with a smile.
"Such a gentleman." He smiled at the hunter and got in. Never taking his eyes off of Dean's. Well he was really lucky. Dean walked around the front of the Impala before settling into the driver's seat, he hadn't smiled this much in a long time and his eyes were shining brighter than they usually were. He was genuinely happy.
Cas didn't know what to do with himself. He had imagined this moment so many times but he didn't know what to actually do once it came. So he just sat there and looked through the cassettes, trying to find his favorite one. Dean quickly pulled out of the driveway and into the street, once he got going he offered his hand to Castiel subtly, hoping that he would take his hand. Dean loved holding Castiel's hand. Cas gave up and let the one that was already in play. He turned his attention out the window but he could see Dean's hand from the corner of his eye. He smiled and let his hand find its way to the hunter's. It was these little things that made Castiel melt. Dean gave a small sigh of contentment, holding the angel's hand. He couldn't help but keep on smiling that big goofy smile of his as he drove down the road. "Do I have rights to your bed? And I don't mean to sleep." The angel asked without glancing at Dean, he just continued staring out the window. Dean hoped that Castiel wouldn't notice his blush as he smiled, "Yeah, Cas. You do." He let go of Cas' hand a bit reluctantly as he pulled into the diner. He needed both hands to steer this time. Cas glanced at him and noticed his crimson cheeks. He smiled at himself, he was satisfied with the results of his comment. Dean smiled over at Cas and parked before turning off the engine and getting out. He walked over to the the passenger side and opened the Castiel's door, offering his hand with a goofy little smile. Cas giggled and took the hand to help himself out. "You're the big sap." He pecked his lips, "but I don't mind." The angel still didn't let go of Dean's hand. Dean returned the kiss while it lasted and closed the door. He then led Castiel into the diner, rolling his eyes a bit, "Yeah right, whatever you say." He retorted sarcastically, still smiling and holding his angel's hand.
"Well let's go, don't want you to starve." He gently tugged his hand like a child, trying to drag him inside. Dean chuckled softly and followed along with him happily. He smiled and held open the door for him with a loving smile. It felt so good that he could finally be himself around Cas.
Castiel looked at him and mildly glared, "I was trying to get the door for you." He slightly pouted. Dean smiled, his little fit was adorable, "Get it on the way out." He kissed his cheek softly before leading him inside.

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